
搜寻类别: 关键字搜寻: Clear
年度 论文名称
2001 王俪玲, 2001, 'The Structure Change of Employer''s Pension Choice, ' 第二届风险管理理论研讨会, 国立政治大学风险与管理学系., 2001
2001 王俪玲, 2001, 'Are Employers More Generous Now?: An Analysis of Pension Generositand Employers’ Characters, ' Conference of American Risk and Insurance Association, American Risk and Insurance Association., 2001
2001 王俪玲, 2001, 'Parameter Risks of Surplus Management under a Stochastic Process, ' Conference of American Risk and Insurance Association, American Risk and Insurance Association., 2001
2001 周逸衡;傅丰玲;赖怡玲, 2001, '网络购物决策中动机类型之分析, ' 第七届海峡两岸资讯管理发展战略研讨会, 国科会., 2001
2001 周逸衡;傅丰玲;曹书铭, 2001, '小企业对资讯服务品质与关系的认知, ' 第七届海峡两岸资讯管理发展战略研讨会, 国科会., 2001
2001 Kai-Hsiang Peng, 2001, 'Combine Naive Bayesian with Collaborative Flitering for Mobile Community, ' NAtional Computer Science Symposium, Taipei., 2001
2001 苑守慈, 2001, 'Negotiation-Credit Driven Coalition Formation in E-Markets, ' Forth Pacific Rim International Workshop on Multi-Agents, Taiwan., 2001
2001 苑守慈, 2001, 'A Learnng-Enabled Integrative Trust Model for E-Markets, ' International Conference of Autonomous Agents 2001 Workshop On Deception,Fraud and Trust in Agent Societies, Canada., 2001
2001 蔡瑞煌, 2001, 'Decision Support System with embedded Back Propagation Neural Networks for handling the Chaotic Environment, ' 6th Asia-Pacific Decision Sciences Institute Conference., 2001
2001 蔡瑞煌, 2001, 'A deterministic way of guaranteeing a globally optimal learning result, ' International Conference on Computational Intelligence, Robotics and Autonomous Systems (CIRAS’ 2001)., 2001