
搜寻类别: 关键字搜寻: Clear
年度 论文名称
2001 别莲蒂, 2001, '统计分析在行销管理的实务应用与趋势, ' 九十年统计学术研讨会, 中国统计学社、行政院主计处., 2001
2001 别莲蒂, 2001, '元大京华证券的顾客关系管理, ' 第七届服务业管理研讨会个案集, 政大企管系, pp.56-80., 2001
2001 李雅樱*;彭朱如;毕柳莺, 2001, '公办民营医院经营管理与行销组合分析—以台中市立复健医院为例, ' 国立成功大学, pp.857-865.(*为通讯作者), 2001
2001 彭朱如*;苏洺贤, 2001, 'Partners, Resources, and Management Mechanisms of Inter-organizational Collaborative Ties in Non-Profit Organizations, ' 国科会专题计划成果发表会管理(一)学门一般管理领域,国科会人文处, pp.451-468.(*为通讯作者), 2001
2001 彭朱如;Ming-Hsien Su, 2001, 'A Study of Inter-organizational Collaborative Ties and Management Mechanisms in Non-Profit Organizations, ' Proceedings of International Conference of Pacific Rim Management 11th., 2001
2001 管长青;蔡维奇, 2001, '影响学习型组织形成之相关因素研究:以工程顾问业为例。, ' 2001科际整合管理国际研讨会, 东吴大学企业管理系., 2001
2001 Tsai, W. C.;Huang, Y. M., 2001, 'Exploring mediating processes underlying the relationship between employee displayed positive emotions and customer behavioral intentions., ' the Academy of Management Annual Meeting, the Academy of Management., 2001
2001 蔡维奇;林育玮, 2001, '应征者印象管理策略对甄选面谈决策之影响。, ' 2001中小企业人力资源论文研讨会, 中华民国人力资源发展学会., 2001
2001 邱志圣, 2001, 'The Effectiveness of Different Advertising Message Appeals:An Analysis of Taiwanese TV Commercials., ' The Effectiveness of Different Advertising Message Appeals:An Analysis of Taiwanese TV Commercials., Academy of Marketing Science., 2001
2001 邱志圣;Chang,Tung-Zong;Su-Jane Chen, 2001, 'Shaping a Market-oriented Corporate Culture:The Role of ManagementLeadership., ' Shaping a Market-oriented Corporate Culture:The Role of ManagementLeadership., American Marketing Association., 2001