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Liu, Huimei, 2000, 'Uniformly More Powerful tests for Normal Variances, ' 2000 Joint Statistical Meetings, American Statistical Association., 2000 |
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杨素芬;Chen,I, 2000, 'Economic design of indivisual X chart and cause-selecting chart under Weibull shock models, ' Chinese Statistical conference , Taiwan, Chinese Statistical conference., 2000 |
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杨素芬;Wen,T, 2000, 'Economic design of T^2 control chart under Taguchi loss function, ' Chinese Statistical conference, Taiwan, X., 2000 |
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Ting, C.P.*, 2000, 'Optimal and efficient repeated measurements designs for comparing test treatments with a control, ' 2000 Joint Statistical Meetings, Indianapolis, Indiana, U.S.A., __.(*为通讯作者), 2000 |
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蔡政宪;吴佳哲, 2000, '保险法中之投资限制对保险业投资绩效影响之实证研究, ' 第一届风险管理理论研讨会, 政治大学., 2000 |
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蔡政宪;Chan, Chih-Ching;Wei-Kuang Chen;Weiyu Kuo, 2000, 'The Estimation of Value at Risk for the Reserves of the Life/Health Insurance Company, ' 亚太会计与财务研究研讨会, 成功大学., 2000 |
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蔡政宪;Lin, Tzy-Ting, 2000, 'The Comparison of Value at Risk and Risk Based Capital in Insurance Solvency Regulation, ' The Fourth Annual Conference of Asia Pacific Risk and Insurance
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蔡政宪;Chen, Ying-Chun, 2000, 'Determinants of Capital Structure in the Insurance Industry, ' American Risk and Insurance Association Annual Meeting& The
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蔡政宪;Li, Meng-Yi, 2000, 'Value at Risk for the Reserves of Multi-Product Life Insurers, ' American Risk and Insurance Association Annual Meeting., 2000 |
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王俪玲, 2000, 'The Dynamic of Employer Pension Choice, ' 跨世纪危机管理与保险学术暨实务研讨会, 逢甲大学保险学系., 2000 |