
搜寻类别: 关键字搜寻: Clear
年度 论文名称
2000 谭丹琪;Jean-Francois Hennart, 2000, 'Are there advantages to being the first to manufacture in a foreign market?, ' Academy of Management Meeting, Academy of Management Meeting., 2000
2000 R. Banker;H. Chang;C. Ou;吴安妮, 2000, 'Job Costing and Pricing: Empirical Evidence from a Printing Company, ' Management Accounting Conference, *., 2000
2000 吴安妮;C. Chow, 2000, 'The Increased Adoption of Formal/Explicit Management Controls in Chinese Enterprises: An Exploratory Field Study, ' Management Accounting Conference, *., 2000
2000 苑守慈, 2000, 'Negotiation-Credit Based Group/Buy/Group Sell in E-Markets, ' Internaitonal Conference of Information Management Research and Practice, Taiwan., 2000
2000 Andy Liu, 2000, 'Smart Comparison Shopping, ' International Conference on Electronic Commerce, Korea., 2000
2000 蔡瑞煌, 2000, 'The Deterministic Evolutionary Learning Algorithm, ' International Conference on Data Mining 2000, pp.343-352.., 2000
2000 赵玉, 2000, 'An Incremental Approach to Searching Minimal Siphons for Deallock Analysis of Flexible Manufacturing Systems, ' SCI2000/ISAS, ISAS., 2000
2000 Wei-Lung Chang, 2000, 'A Synthesized Learning Approach for Web-Based CRM, ' International Workshop on WebKDD, USA., 2000
1999 郑夙芬;苏淑枝;郑宇庭, 1999.12, '政治民主化过程中民意调查受访者受访态度的变迁, ' 八十八年统计学术研讨会, 国立中央大学., Dec. 1999
1999 Ming-hua Hsieh;K Chang;Hung, 1999.12, 'Efficient Procedure for Valuing Cover Warrant with Reset Strike Features, ' 8th International Conference of Securties and Financial Markets, Taiwan., Dec. 1999