
搜寻类别: 关键字搜寻: Clear
年度 论文名称
1999 Johannes K.Chiang*;Kenny Huang, 1999.10, 'Lessons from Planning and Learning Campus-wide Network, ' 中国电子计算机工程与应用学会年会及第13届全国MIS学术会议论文集.(*为通讯作者), Oct. 1999
1999 姜国辉*;林智惟, 1999.09, '网络社区与其间网络技术应用之探讨, ' 第五届海峡两岸资讯管理策略研讨会论文集.(*为通讯作者), Sep. 1999
1999 冯震宇, 1999.08, 'Digital Libraries and Related Copyright Issues, ' International Research Association(ICSTI)1999 Annual Meeting, __., Aug. 1999
1999 馀清祥;胡玉蕙, 1999.08, '从英美两国的经验探讨抽样在普查中的角色, ' 中华民国人口学年会学术研讨会, 中华民国人口学年会., Aug. 1999
1999 郑士卿, 1999.08, 'Ownership Structure, Agency Cost and Efficiency: Comparison of Keiretsu versus Independent Insurers in Japanese Non-life Insurance Industry, ' the 1998 American Risk and Insurance Association Meeting, *., Aug. 1999
1999 郑士卿, 1999.08, 'Organizational Structure and Efficiency: The Case of Life Insurer Demutualization, ' the 1999 American Risk and Insurance Association Meeting, *., Aug. 1999
1999 傅丰玲, 1999.08, '海外华人资讯网络建置成功因素探讨, ' 迈向二十一世纪海外华社之变迁与发展--市民社会之探讨, 台北., Aug. 1999
1999 Jacob Y.H Jou, 1999.08, 'An Empirical Investigation of Linguistic Influence on Menu Interface, ' Adjunct Conference Proceeding of 8th HCI Onternational, Germany., Aug. 1999
1999 Jacob Y.H Jou, 1999.08, 'Do Icon Menus Cause Better performance, ' Adjunct Conference Proceeding of 8 th HCI International, Germany., Aug. 1999
1999 J.K. Cochran;S. Horng;J.W. Fowler, 1999.08, 'A Overviews of a New Class of Genetic Algorithm for the M Identical Parallel Machine Scheduling Problem, ' Proceedings of the third International Conference on Engineering Design and Automation, pp.230-237., Aug. 1999