
搜寻类别: 关键字搜寻: Clear
年度 论文名称
1999 黄家齐, 1999.06, '人力资源管理系统内部契合类型与组织绩效之关联性研究, ' 第一届亚太管理学术研讨会论文集, 成功大学, pp.319-329., Jun. 1999
1999 韩志翔;Ben-Ner, Avner, Fanmin Kong,;Stacie Bosley, Allen Burns,;Richard Butler,Nienchi Liu, 1999.06, '“Workplace organization and human resource practices: the retail food industry,”, ' Taipei International Conference on Labor Market Transition and Labor Migration in East Asia, the Institute of Economics, Academia Sinica,., Jun. 1999
1999 黄家齐;顾萱萱, 1999.06, '人力资本投资与组织绩效, ' 一九九九海峡两岸财经与商学研讨会论文集, 苏州大学, pp.385-400., Jun. 1999
1999 顾萱萱;黄家齐, 1999.06, '产业外移之集群现象:产业网络与共生环境观点, ' 一九九九海峡两岸财经与商学研讨会论文集, 苏州大学, pp.451-462., Jun. 1999
1999 谌家兰*;谢丽芬, 1999.06, '网际网络数据库评选, ' 第十届国际资讯管理学术研讨会, 中华民国资讯管理学会.(*为通讯作者), Jun. 1999
1999 Gwo-Hshiung Tzeng, 1999.06, 'A Hierarchy Fuzzy MCDM Method for Studying Electronic MArketing Strategies in the Information Service Industry, ' The 1999 World Conference of Business Information Technology (BIT World), South Africa., Jun. 1999
1999 韩志翔;Ben-Ner, Avner,;Nienchi Liu, 1999.06, '“The effects of the organization of work on firm performance: An empirical investigation of productivity and profitability,”, ' Taipei International Conference on Labor Market Transition and Labor Migration in East Asia, the Institute of Economics, Academia Sinica, Nankang,., Jun. 1999
1999 谌家兰*;Han, 1999.06, 'Developing a Distributed Database Systems Workload Model, ' 第十届国际资讯管理学术研讨会, 中华民国资讯管理学会.(*为通讯作者), Jun. 1999
1999 温肇东;冯国卿, 1999.06, '建构创新育成中心开放式知识管理环境, ' 第十届国际资讯管理学术研讨会, 桃园中央警官大学., Jun. 1999
1999 管郁君;郭建良, 1999.06, '探讨时基竞争于供应链管理上的应用策略, ' 第十届国际资讯管理学术研讨会论文集, pp.673-680., Jun. 1999