
搜寻类别: 关键字搜寻: Clear
年度 论文名称
1999 吴丰祥, 1999.03, 'An Empirical Study of University Industry Research Cooperation-The Case of Taiwan, ' A New Technological Landscape in Asia Pacific Workshop., Mar. 1999
1999 黄泓智, 1999.03, 'Stochastic Pension Fund Modeling, ' 22nd Research Student Conference, Bristol University., Mar. 1999
1999 温肇东, 1999.03, 'A Critique of Ecological Indicators for Technology Innovation, ' A New Technological Landscape in Asia Pacific Workshop, 台北中华经济研究院., Mar. 1999
1999 温肇东;杨晴媚, 1999.03, '芬兰Otaniemi与瑞典Ideon科学园区的创新育成机制与环境, ' 欧洲科技政策案例研讨会., Mar. 1999
1999 黄思明, 1999.03, '供应链管理趋势发展──Extranet架构下的SCM个案分析, ' 21世纪企业电子商务新契机SCM专业研讨会,经济部商业司., Mar. 1999
1999 洪顺庆, 1999.02, '台湾制造(MIT)的国家产品形象之研究, ' 两岸三地中小企业经营管理与发展学术研讨会, 国立中山大学., Feb. 1999
1999 张爱华;何建辉, 1999.01, '资讯电脑产品批发商之竞争优势, ' 1999国际物流研讨会论文集, 经济部., Jan. 1999
1999 谌家兰*;Tsai, 1999.01, 'A structured transformation approach to legacy information systems, ' The 32st Hawaii International Conference on Systems Sciences, HICSS-32 (Best Paper Nomination), University of Hawaii.(*为通讯作者), Jan. 1999
1999 韩志翔;Avner Ben-Ner, 1999.01, '“Systems of human resources management and firm performance: A longitudinal study of Minnesota''s publicly traded manufacturing firms,”, ' 1999 Industrial Relations Research Association (IRRA) Annual Meeting, 0., Jan. 1999
1999 温肇东;王镇烟, 1999.01, '组织绿化之研究, ' 第九届环境管理与都会发展研讨会., Jan. 1999