
搜寻类别: 关键字搜寻: Clear
年度 论文名称
1999 吴丰祥*;郑锰新, 1999, '产品开发过程中的同步工程整合模式之探讨, ' 1999科技管理论文研讨会, 中山大学.(*为通讯作者), 1999
1999 吴丰祥*;黄怡芳, 1999, '我国厂商制程创新管理之实证研究-以半导体业与主机板业为例, ' 1999科技管理论文研讨会, 中山大学.(*为通讯作者), 1999
1999 Liu, Huimei;Berger, R. L., 1999, 'Improved Equivalence Tests for the Normal Means, ' ENRA joint meetings., 1999
1999 杨素芬;Liu,H, 1999, 'Stastical process quality improvement for the thickness of thin gold firms, ' International Data Anaylsis, x., 1999
1999 杨素芬;Liu,H, 1999, 'Study on the Quality Improvement of thickness of a thin gold film, ' Chinese Society of Quality Conference, x., 1999
1999 杨素芬;Yang,D, 1999, 'Statistical Process control of two grade products on two dependent sub-processes, ' Chinese Society of Quality Conference, X., 1999
1999 蔡政宪;Chan, Chih-Ching, 1999, 'The Application of Value at Risk to the Life Insurance Industry, ' The Third Annual Conference of Asia Pacific Risk and Insurance Association., 1999
1999 蔡政宪;Liao, Shih-Yun, 1999, 'Simulation Tests on the Effectiveness of Insurance Solvency Regulation, ' American Risk and Insurance Association Annual Meeting., 1999
1999 蔡政宪;Phillips, Richard D., 1999, 'Random Premium Insurance Contracts: Theory and Empirical Evidence, ' American Risk and Insurance Association Annual Meeting., 1999
1999 王俪玲, 1999, 'Optimal Commission Rate for External Fund Management: A Case Analysis of Taiwan Public Employees Retirement System, ' 风险管理与保险国际学术研讨会, 国立政治大学风险管理与保险学系., 1999