
搜寻类别: 关键字搜寻: Clear
年度 论文名称
1999 王俪玲, 1999, '国民年金制度设计对台湾地区所得分配的影响, ' 风险管理与保险国际学术研讨会, 政治大学风险管理与保险学系., 1999
1999 王俪玲, 1999, 'Demand for Market Insurance and Self-Insurance Under Increased Risk Aversion, ' 一九九九年风险管理与保险经营学术及实务研讨会, 高雄第一科技大学保险营运系., 1999
1999 王俪玲, 1999, 'An Insight into the Changes in Employer''s Pension Offerings: How Di401(k) Plans Replace Other Employer''s Pensions?, ' Conference of American Risk and Insurance Association, -., 1999
1999 王俪玲, 1999, 'Surplus Management with a Linear Term Structure, ' the Third Annual Conference of the Asia-Pacific Risk andInsurance Association, the Asia-Pacific Risk and Insurance Association., 1999
1999 张士杰;Hsin-Yi Cheng, 1999, 'Pension valuation under uncertainty: a generalized stochastic approach., ' 1999 Risk management and insurance international conference., NCCU., 1999
1999 张士杰, 1999, 'Allocating unfunded liability in pension valuation under uncertainty., ' 1999 risk management and insurance inrternational confreence, NCCU., 1999
1999 张士杰, 1999, 'Benchmark of pension valuation: a case study incorporating policy intervention., ' 1999 Risk management and insurance international conference, NCCU., 1999
1999 Tseng, S.-F.;Wu, S,-H., 1999, 'IBOSS-A Decision Simulation System for Strategic Management Traning, ' 1999 Asia Pacific Decision Sciences Institute Conference, Decision Sciences Institute., 1999
1999 曾淑峰;黄彦颖, 1999, '核心银行系统现代化之评量模式, ' 第十届国际资讯管理研讨会, 中华民国资讯管理学会., 1999
1999 Z.L Wu, 1999, 'Automatic Agent Cooperation Wrapper, ' 1999 Agent Technology Workshop, Taiwan., 1999