
搜寻类别: 关键字搜寻: Clear
年度 论文名称
1999 金成隆;H.W Lin;Y.F Chang, 1999, 'Manadatory Management Forecast Error as a Variable to Earnings Manipulation, with a 20% Hurdle Set by TAIEX Regulators, ' American Accounting Association/Taiwan Accounting Association First Globalization Conference, *., 1999
1999 陈明进;林世铭;蔡天俊, 1999, '土地增值税政策对股市之影响, ' Proceeding of the AAA/TAA First Globalization Conference, *., 1999
1999 C.Chow;C. Neale;吴安妮, 1999, 'International Accounting Symposium: The Increased Adoption of Formal/Explicit Management Controls in Chinese Enterprises: An Exploratory Field Study, ' Accounting Organizations and Society, *., 1999
1999 J.Ho;J. Chang;吴安妮, 1999, 'The Effects of National Culture and Contextual Information on Managers'' Resource Allocation Decisions, ' Accounting Organizations and Society: International Accounting Symposium, *., 1999
1999 俞洪昭;戚务君;许崇源;洪盈斌, 1999, '两税合一制度对公司属性与股票报酬关联性之影响, ' 当代会计理论与实务研讨会, 国立台北大学会计学系., 1999
1999 俞洪昭;马秀如;刘正田;谌家兰, 1999, '资讯软件业专利权、智慧财产权等无形资产鑑价制度之研究, ' 第八届证券暨金融市场理论与实务研讨会, 中山大学财务管理学系., 1999
1999 邱志圣, 1999, 'Reciprocal Gift-Giving Behaviors:A Study Across Culture., ' Reciprocal Gift-Giving Behaviors:A Study Across Cultures., American Marketing Association., 1999
1999 邱志圣, 1999, 'When You Don''t Know Whether You Are Satisfied with the Product or not., ' When You Don''t Know Whether You Are Satisfied with the Product or not., Humboldt University., 1999
1999 谭丹琪, 1999, 'Entry mode, managerial resources and international expansion, ' Academy of International Business Annual Meetings, Academy of International Business., 1999
1999 李桐豪, 1999, 'The impacts of the Asian Financial Crisis on Taiwanese Business with investment interests in South East Asia, ' Challenges to the Chinese Overseas in an Era of Financial Vulnerability in the Asia Pacific Region, the university of Nwe South Wales., 1999