
搜寻类别: 关键字搜寻: Clear
年度 论文名称
1998 金成隆, 1998, '台湾上市公司月盈馀揭露行为之实证研究, ' 1998年「中国财务学会暨论文研讨会」, *., 1998
1998 金成隆, 1998, 'Examining Earnings Response Coefficient of Permanent and Transitory Earnings Components, ' 1998「International Conference on Contemporary Accounting Issues」, *., 1998
1998 金成隆;黄书楣, 1998, '我国现金增资与盈馀管理之实证研究, ' 第四届「中华民国台湾地区会计审计理论与实务研讨会」, 东吴大学., 1998
1998 陈明进, 1998, '两税合一对建设公司租税规划之影响, '., 1998
1998 陈明进, 1998, 'Evidence on the Relation between Corporate Effective Tax Rates and Firm Characteristics after TRA86: A Simultaneous Estimation Approach, ' Proceeding of the Fourth (1998) International Conference on Contemporary Accounting Issues, *., 1998
1998 陈明进, 1998, 'The Impact of Inventory Valuation Methods on the Variability in Corporate Effective Tax Rates, ' Proceedings of the 1998 Soochow International Conference in Accounting, *., 1998
1998 C. Chow;V. Awasthi;吴安妮, 1998, 'Adapting Management Controls to National Culture: The Role of Performance Measures and Socialization Activities, ' *, *., 1998
1998 C. Chow;R. Hwang;W. Liao;吴安妮, 1998, 'American Accounting Association National Meeting: National Culture and Subordinates'' Upward Communication of Private Information, ' *, *., 1998
1998 俞洪昭, 1998, 'The impacts of electronic commerce on auditing practices: An auditing process model for evidence collection and validation, ' The 7th Annual Research Workshop on Artificial Intelligence and Emerging Technologies in Accounting, Auditing and Tax, *., 1998
1998 李仁芳, 1998, '台湾产业网络管理之发展, ' 第七届产业管理研讨会., 1998