
搜寻类别: 关键字搜寻: Clear
年度 论文名称
1998 Tseng, S.-F., 1998, 'An Evolutionary View of Object-Oriented Modeling for Business Information Systems Development Using UML, ' INFORMS_1998, The Conference of “Partnering for Global Technology Management”, INFORMS., 1998
1998  Jean-Francois Hennart;Danchi Tan;Ming Zeng, 1998, 'Is being the first to manufacture an advantage for Japanese foreign direct investors in the United States?, ' Academy of International Business Annual Meetings., 1998
1998 Chen, Ming-Chi;Chen, Chun-Min, 1998, 'Review of House Price Studies: Development and Comparison, ' the First Conference of Chinese Real Estate Community, Chinese Real Estate Community., 1998
1998 Chen, Ming-Chi;Kawaguchi, Yuichiro;Patel, Kanak, 1998, 'Structural Time-Series Analysis of Singapore, Taipei and Tokyo House Prices, ' the Asian Real Estate Society Third Annual Conference, AsRES., 1998
1998 周行一;;, 1998, 'The hedging bias form using stock options to hedge underlying stocks under exchange rate shocks, ' 1998 Financial Management Association., 1998
1998 陈威光, 1998, 'Option Pricing When Stock Price Under Price Limits, ' 1998 National Taiwan University International Conference on Finance, National Taiwan University., 1998
1998 张爱华;Simmon Huang, 1998, 'The Influences and Consequences of Relationship Quality in Industrial Marketing – An Integrated Model of RelationalBehavior, ' Association for Consumer Research ACR-Asia PacificConference, 0., 1998
1998 韩志翔;Ben-Ner,Avner F. Kong,S.Bosley;W. A. Burns, R. Butler,;N.Liu, andY.S.York, 1998, '“Workplace organization and human resource practices: The retail food industry,”, ' Understanding the Service Workplace” Conference, Wharton Business School, University of Pennsylvania,., 1998
1998 林月云*, 1998, '企业伦理省思, ' 管理哲学研讨会.(*为通讯作者), 1998
1998 楼永坚, 1998, 'The Impact of Winning an Award and Country of Origin on Product Evaluation-The Moderating Role of Involvement, ' Asia Pacific Advances in Consumer Research, Association for Consumer Reasearch., 1998