1996 |
Lien-Ti Bei;Richard Heslin, 1996.08, 'The Effects of Product Knowledge and Product Involvement on Consumers'' Purchase Decisions, ' The 1996 Convention of the American Psychological Association., Aug. 1996 |
1996 |
谌家兰*, 1996.08, 'Client-Server multimedia database systems development, ' The Second Annual Americans Conference on Information Systems, Association for Information Systems.(AMCIS)(*为通讯作者), Aug. 1996 |
1996 |
Chow, C.;R. Abdel-Khalik;A. Wu, 1996.08, 'The Association between Disclosure of Accounting Information and Security Prices in China''s Emerging Capital Markets, ' The 1996 Annual Meeting of AAA., Aug. 1996 |
1996 |
Chow, C.;P. Harrison;T. Lindquist;A. Wu, 1996.08, 'National Culture and Escalating Commitment to Unprofitable Projects, ' The 1996 Annual Meeting of AAA., Aug. 1996 |
1996 |
张爱华, 1996.07, '消费者国家印象、产品类型与环保意识之关系研究 --以中华民国、加拿大之相互印象为例, ' 企业跨国经营管理研讨会论文集, 辅仁大学., Jul. 1996 |
1996 |
赵玉, 1996.07, 'A CAD Tool for Synthesis of Flexible Manufacturing System, ' The Fourth International Conference on Automation Technology., Jul. 1996 |
1996 |
屠美亚, 1996.07, '权益性资金租税优惠适用范围之研议--由企业特性、融资与投资与相关性探讨, ' 中国财务学会1996研讨会, 中国财务学会., Jul. 1996 |
1996 |
张爱华, 1996.07, '消费者国家印象、产品类型与环保意识之关系研究:以中华民国加拿大之相互印象为例, ' 企业跨国经营管理研讨会, 辅仁大学., Jul. 1996 |
1996 |
于卓民;司徒达贤, 1996.07, '国际合资控制机制之研究:以台湾企业为例, '., Jul. 1996 |
1996 |
于卓民;司徒达贤, 1996.07, '国际合资控制机制之研究:以台湾企业为例, '., Jul. 1996 |