1993 |
馀千智, 1993.04, '专案管理专家决策支援系统之建构与应用, ' 中国机械工程学会第三次工业工程学术会议暨海峡两岸工业工程研讨会论文集, pp.780-786., Apr. 1993 |
1993 |
洪顺庆, 1993.04, '上海地区台湾厂商经营类型之个案研究, ' 跨越大陆投资障碍研讨会., Apr. 1993 |
1993 |
吴宗成;黄世祯;卢希鹏;杨亨利, 1993.03, '管理资讯系统实验室规划, ' 第八届全国技术及职业教育研讨会--农业商业类., Mar. 1993 |
1993 |
苏瓜藤, 1993.03, 'The Cultural Impact of Foreign Acquisitions: Japan vs. U.K., ' First International Conference on Global Business Environment and Strategy, 成功大学., Mar. 1993 |
1993 |
Lien-Ti Bei, 1993, 'Determinants of Consumer Credit Card Repayment Patterns, ' The 1993 Conference of the American Council on Consumer Interests., 1993 |
1993 |
苑守慈, 1993, 'Knowledge-Based Decision Model Construction for Hierarchical Diagnosis, ' International Conference on Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence., 1993 |
1993 |
蔡瑞煌*, 1993, 'The Softening Learning Algorithm., ' 5th UNB Artificial Intelligence Symposium, pp.53-58.(*为通讯作者), 1993 |
1993 |
蔡瑞煌*, 1993, 'The Softening Learning Procedure for the Layered Feed-forward Networks with Multiple Output Nodes, ' International Joint Conference on Neural Networks Nagoya, I, pp.593-596.(*为通讯作者), 1993 |
1993 |
蔡瑞煌*, 1993, 'An Empirical Paralogism of the Back Propagation Networks, ' International Joint Conference on Neural Networks, pp.2399-2402.(*为通讯作者), 1993 |
1993 |
吴安妮, 1993, '管理当局及财务分析师之非预期销货及盈馀对股价的影响──结构方程模式分析, ' 第五届会计学理论与实务研讨会., 1993 |