
搜寻类别: 关键字搜寻: Clear
年度 论文名称
1989 黄思明, 1989, 'A Parallel Computing Algorithm for FMS Planning, ' TIMS/ORSA National Meeting, Vancouver., 1989
1989 Wu, A., 1989, 'Voluntary Release of Earnings Forecasts: A Survey, ' DRSA/Tims Joint National Meeting., 1989
1989 裘锦天, 1989, 'The Effects of Control over Feedback Strategies and Field Orientation Achievement in Computer-Assisted Instruction, '., 1989
1989 黄思明, 1989, 'Some Approaches to Clustering Multiple Processors for Database, ' First Annual IEEE Symposium on Parallel and Distributed Processing., 1989
1989 Wu, Se-Hwa;Hung, Chien-Min, 1989, 'Comparative Research on the Environmental Beliefs and Values of Business Managers, ' Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Comparartive Management., 1989
1989 周玲台, 1989, 'Related Party Transactions--A Gap in GAAP(ROC), ' Eighth Annual Science,Engineering and Technology Seminars, 美南国建会., 1989
1989 黄思明;Dekel, E., 1989, 'Allocating Files of a Database in a Clustered Multiprocessor Machine, ' TIMS/ORSA National Meeting., 1989
1989 吴思华, 1989, '专业经理人的社会角色与培育方式--企业发展阶段论, ' 第二届管理教育研讨会, 交通大学., 1989
1989 馀千智, 1989, 'A Decision Support System for Production Scheduling, ' TIMS XXXXIX., 1989
1989 馀千智, 1989, 'A Software Integration Approach for Linking Database and Desktop Publishing Systems, ' The International IMC Data and Document Systems Conference., 1989