
搜寻类别: 关键字搜寻: Clear
年度 论文名称
2011 汤宗益*;Hsien-Chang Huang;Ying-Wei Shih, 2011.07, 'PERSONALITY TRAITS AND RELATIONSHIP ATTRIBUTES IN ONLINE COMMUNITIES, ' 2011 International Conference on Business and Information, International Business Academics Consortium.(*为通讯作者), Jul. 2011
2011 Liang-Feng Lin, 2011.07, 'Low-Carbon Pilot Tour and Municipal Government Investment: Taiwan''s Experience, ' Energy pilot regions -Good practice and progress in low carbon regions, University of Vienna, Department of East Asian Studies,., Jul. 2011
2011 Hung, W.H.;Ho, C.F.;Lin, C.P., 2011.07, 'Information Sharing in a High Uncertainty Environment: Lessons from Case Studies in the Divergent Differentiation Supply Chain, ' Proceeding of The 11th International DSI and the 16th APDSI Joint Meeting, Asia Pacific Decision Sciences Institute., Jul. 2011
2011 C. Huang;陈彩稚*, 2011.07, 'Adverse Selection in Monopolistic Insurance Market with the Presence of Network Externality, ' Asia Pacific Risk and Insurance 2011Annual Meeting.(*为通讯作者), Jul. 2011
2011 许永明;Hui-Hsuan Liu, 2011.07, 'The Risk-Taking Behavior of a Stockholder-Owned Life Insurance, ' The 15th Asia-Pacific Risk and Insurance Association Conference, Asia-Pacific Risk and Insurance Association., Jul. 2011
2011 Mu-Yen Hsu*;S. Cunningham, 2011.06, 'Creative Industries and Industrial Innovations-Empirical Evidences from Taiwan Innovation Survey, ' International Academy of Management and Business (IAMB).(*为通讯作者), Jun. 2011
2011 刘常勇*;温肇东;谢如梅, 2011.06, '台湾创业现况调查与政策意涵:全球创业观察观点, ' 2011第14届科际整合管理研讨会, 东吴大学企业管理学系.(*为通讯作者), Jun. 2011
2011 萧瑞麟;欧素华;颜嘉妤, 2011.06, 'Gaining memories: How Peripherals Influence over Headquarters'' Decisions, ' AIB 2011 Annual Meeting, Academy of International Business.(SSCI), Jun. 2011
2011 S.F. Yang*;Y.C. Hung;T.C. Cheng;W.C. Tsai;S.W. Cheng, 2011.06, 'A New Control Chart for Monitoring Service Process with Unknown Distributions, ' Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Service Systems and Service Management, IEEE, pp.1-5.(IEEE)(*为通讯作者), Jun. 2011
2011 谢耀龙*, 2011.06, 'Intercultural Problems in Higher Education: A Case Study, ' The 9th CAFIC International Conference, China Association for Intercultural Communication (CAFIC).(*为通讯作者), Jun. 2011