
搜寻类别: 关键字搜寻: Clear
年度 论文名称
2010 Kao, Hung-hsiang*;Lee, Jen-Fang, 2010.07, 'An Investigation into the Key Elements of the Chinese Shanzhai Model – Alternative Path to Growth, Cross-Specialization Partnership, and Opportunistic Niche Infiltration, ' PICMET’10(Jul.), Phuket, Thailand, PICMET''.(*为通讯作者), Jul. 2010
2010 Chou, Robin K.;San-Lin Chung;Yu-Jen Hsiao;Yaw-Huei Wang, 2010.07, 'The Impact of Liquidity Risk on Option Prices, ' the 2010 China International Conference in Finance, Beijing, China, and FMA Annual Meeting, New York, New York, USA., Jul. 2010
2010 Chen, Sheng-Syan;Robin K. Chou;Yun-Chi Lee, 2010.07, 'Bidders’ Strategic Timing of Acquisition Announcements and the Effects of Payment Method on Target Returns and Competing Bids, ' the 22nd Australasian Finance and Banking Conference, Sydney, Australia , the 18th Conference on Pacific Basin Finance, Economics, Accounting, Business and Management, Beijing, China, and FMA Annual Meeting, New York, New York, USA., Jul. 2010
2010 萧瑞麟;欧素华*;吴昭怡, 2010.06, 'Hidden Motives: Knowledge-sharing Problems in Supply Chain Collaboration, ' The 5th. IEEE International Conference on Management of Innovation and Technology, IEEE Association for the Advancement of Technology.(IEEE)(*为通讯作者), Jun. 2010
2010 萧瑞麟;陈蕙芬;廖启旭*, 2010.06, 'Adaptive Supply Network: How Nokia Absorbs Demand Shocks Through RosettaNet and Modularity Design, ' The 5th. IEEE International Conference on Management of Innovation and Technology, IEEE Association for the Advancement of Technology.(IEEE)(*为通讯作者), Jun. 2010
2010 Kao, Hung-hsiang*;Lee, Jen-Fang, 2010.06, 'The Application of Shanzhai Innovation Model in China : The Examples of Mobile Phone, Notebook Computer, and Automobile, ' DRUID Conference 2010(Jun.), London, England, DRUID.(*为通讯作者), Jun. 2010
2010 王正伟;林建智, 2010.06, '我国保险安定基金改革之探讨, ' 2010金融服务整合与创新发展研讨会论文集, 实践大学, pp.100-120., Jun. 2010
2010 谢耀龙*, 2010.06, 'Cross-cultural Communication Education: The AIDA Model, ' The 16th International Conference of the International Association for Intercultural Communication Studies.(*为通讯作者), Jun. 2010
2010 姜国辉*;郑银华;林冠宇, 2010.06, 'RFID技术于第三方物流管理应用之研究, ' 2010年资讯技术与产业应用研讨会论文集, 北台湾科技大学.(*为通讯作者), Jun. 2010
2010 黄钊熠*;林我聪, 2010.06, '从工作分离及需求变动观点考量不同开发方法之软件境外开发绩效表现, ' 2010资讯技术应用与管理研讨会论文集.(*为通讯作者), Jun. 2010