
搜寻类别: 关键字搜寻: Clear
年度 论文名称
2009 吴安妮*, 2009.08, 'Employee Compensation Contracts and Firm Performance in Uncertain Environments: Empirical Evidence for Adjusting Pay-Performance Sensitivity., ' The 2009 AAA Annual Meeting, AAA.(*为通讯作者), Aug. 2009
2009 Chi-Yen Yin*;Johannes K. Chiang, 2009.08, 'Social Capital: The Literature Productivity Review and Trend Forecast Using Bibliometric Methodology from 1959 to 2008, ' Proceedings of Fifth International Joint Conference on INC, IMS and IDC, INC, IMS and IDC/IEEE, pp.1041-1046.(IEEE, SCI)(*为通讯作者), Aug. 2009
2009 Johannes K. Chiang*;Wen-Chin Wu;Wei-Cheng Liao;Chi-Yen Yin, 2009.08, 'Machine Learning Trend Anticipation by Text Mining Methodology Based on SSCI Database, ' Proceedings of Fifth International Joint Conference on INC, IMS and IDC, INC, IMS and IDC/IEEE, pp.612-617.(IEEE, SCI)(*为通讯作者), Aug. 2009
2009 Hung, W.H.;Kung,K.H.;Tai, Y.M.;Jou, J.J.;Ho, C.F., 2009.07, 'Strategic Orientation Towards Information Sharing in Supply Chain Management, ' The 3rd International Conference on Operations and Supply Chain Management, .., Jul. 2009
2009 许牧彦*;林茂雄;郑宇庭, 2009.07, 'Organizational Determinants and Complemetarity of Service Innovation- A Empirical Study of Taiwan Service Industry, ' 科技政策与创新前瞻研讨会, 国科会,台湾大学.(*为通讯作者), Jul. 2009
2009 Yi-Ping Chang;Ming-Chin Hung*;Huimei Liu;Chih-Tun Yu, 2009.07, 'Credit risk estimation under serially dependent factor model, ' 6th AFE Conference, Research and Training Institute of east Aegean, Greece.(SSCI, SCI)(*为通讯作者), Jul. 2009
2009 谢耀龙*, 2009.07, 'Enterprise risk management In the hotel industry of Taiwan: A case study, ' 15th APTA Annual Conference Proceedings, Asian Pacific Tourism Association, pp.111-113.(*为通讯作者), Jul. 2009
2009 陈彩稚*;J. Chang, 2009.07, 'The Role of Directors’ & Officers’ Insurance in the Board Structure, ' Asia Pacific Risk and Insurance 2009 Annual Meeting.(*为通讯作者), Jul. 2009
2009 J. Chang*;陈彩稚, 2009.07, 'The Demand for Directors’ and Officers’ Insurance: Evidence from Taiwan, ' Asia Pacific Risk and Insurance 2009Annual Meeting.(*为通讯作者), Jul. 2009
2009 W. Liu*;陈彩稚, 2009.07, 'Regional Differences in the Demand for Life Insurance, ' Asia Pacific Risk and Insurance 2009Annual Meeting.(*为通讯作者), Jul. 2009