
搜寻类别: 关键字搜寻: Clear
年度 论文名称
2006 8. Lin, Nan-Juh*;彭朱如;Yu, Chwo-Ming, 2006, 'Managing Triads in a Network: A Case Study of the Military Avionics Maintenance Industry in Taiwan, ' The 26th Annual International Conference of Strategic Management Society.(*为通讯作者), 2006
2006 别莲蒂*, 2006, '青少年的博物馆参观行为与长期良性关系建立, ' 2006年博物馆馆长论坛.(无)(*为通讯作者), 2006
2006 王俪玲, 2006, 'Evidence for Adverse Selection in the Automobile Insurance Market, ' Annual Conference of American Risk and Insurance Association., 2006
2006 黄国华*;蔡明汶;杨建民, 2006, 'max-min approach寻找目标客户群, ' 2006第二届资讯管理学术暨专案管理实务研讨会论文集.(*为通讯作者), 2006
2006 Chia-Ching Lin;Kun-Ming Chen;Hsiu-hua Rau, 2006, 'Exchange Rate Volatility and the Timing of Foreign Direct Investment: Market-Seeking versus Export Substituting, ' 贸易与产业经济国际研讨会, 淡江大学., 2006
2006 吴思华;Hsiang, Wei-Hsin;Chen, Tzung-Wen;Wen, Chao-tung;Chen, Yi-Wen, 2006, 'Gatekeeping Innovation: Redefining Gatekeepers in the Innovation Process, ' Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management., 2006
2006 林良阳;吴思华, 2006, '衡量企业研发部门之动态能耐:韩国企业实证研究, ' 中华民国科技管理学会年会暨论文研讨会., 2006
2006 管康彦, 2006, '从区域服务导向至医学中心导向的医疗服务机构组织转型变革探讨─亚东纪念医院之个案研究, ' 服务管理研讨会., 2006
2006 Chen, C. C.;Sung, L. K.;Tsai, W. C., 2006, 'Applicant impression management and interviewer decision: The moderating roles of warning of verification and note taking., ' The 26th International Congress of Applied Psychology, International Association of Applied Psychology., 2006
2006 温肇东;陈意文, 2006, '从想像到商业化(From mind to market):以大众汽车城(Autostadt)为例, ' 2006创造力教育暨产业创新研讨会., 2006