
搜寻类别: 关键字搜寻: Clear
年度 论文名称
2005 谭丹琪;Joe Mahoney, 2005, 'The Dynamics of Japanese Firm Growth in U.S. Industries: The Penrose Effect, ' Annual meeting of Academy of Management., 2005
2005 谭丹琪, 2005, 'Locational Choices and Multinational Firm Performance, ' Annual meeting of Academy of International Business, Academy of International Business., 2005
2005 廖四郎, 2005, 'Financial Synergies and Optimal Stock, ' 管理新思维学术研讨会., 2005
2005 廖四郎, 2005, 'Yield and Duration Analysis of Mortgage, ' The International Conference on Contemporary Issues in Financial., 2005
2005 Lin, Liang-Yang;Wu, Se-Hwa, 2005, 'Mobilizing factors of intellectual capital., '., 2005
2005 颜如妙;吴思华, 2005, '组织创新活力衡量之研究, ' 中华民国科技管理学会论文研讨会., 2005
2005 林良阳;罗育如;吴思华, 2005, '知识的融合与组合对跨国科技合作的影响, ' 2005中华民国科技管理学会论文研讨会., 2005
2005 Hsiao, Ruey-Lin;Wu, Se-Hwa;Hou, Shang-Tuang, 2005, 'Technology sense-making: local knowledge and patterns of technology adoption., ' 2005 Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management., 2005
2005 Chiao, Yu-Ching;Chwo-Ming Yu*;Lien-Ti Bei, 2005, 'Determinants of SMEs’Performance: An Investigation from Newly-industrialized Economies, ' Academy of International Business 2005 Annual Meeting.(*为通讯作者), 2005
2005 梁嘉纹;A.Wu.;J.W.Liang, 2005, 'The Effect of Team Performance and Common uncertainty on Individual Incentives:A field Empirical Study, ' "2005 American Accounting Association Meeting (San Francisco, USA"., 2005