
搜寻类别: 关键字搜寻: Clear
年度 论文名称
2004 刘文卿;陈婷妤, 2004.12, '语意网应用于企业工作流程知识之研究, ' 第一届「创新与管理」学术研讨会, 实践大学., Dec. 2004
2004 管郁君;刘景吉;陈文翰;陈佳霜;林芸慧;林硕俊, 2004.12, '寻找知识管理的新机会, ' 第十届海峡两岸资讯管理发展策略研讨会., Dec. 2004
2004 Johannes K. Chiang*, 2004.12, 'e-Business Agreements and Contracts ~ from ASP''s point of View, ' Proceedings of Workshop on Unified e-Business Agreements and Contract s (UBAC), UN/CEFECT, UN/CEFECT(TMG/UBAC).(*为通讯作者), Dec. 2004
2004 Chou, Robin K.;Chih-Chiang Hsu;Edward Hsieh, 2004.12, 'Decimalization, Market Liquidity, and Transaction Durations, ' The Twelfth Conference on the Theories and Practices of Securities and Financial Markets, National Sun Yat-sen University, Kaohsiung, Taiwan., Dec. 2004
2004 Chen, Sheng-Syan;Robin K. Chou;Wan-Chen Lee, 2004.12, 'Risk Changes Following Ex-Dates of Stock Splits, ' The 2004 NTU Conference on Finance (with Best Paper Award), The Twelfth Conference on the Theories and Practices of Securities and Financial Markets, National Sun Yat-sen University, Kaohsiung, Taiwan., Dec. 2004
2004 Eugenia Y. Huang;Janie Chang, 2004.11, 'How web presentation contributes to initial trust, ' 35rd Annual Meeting of the Decision Sciences Institute., Nov. 2004
2004 馀千智, 2004.11, '以顾客导向智慧型决策支援系统为核心的创新性全球资讯网旅游服务研究, ' 国科会九十二年度管理二学门专题研究计画成果发表会论文集, 国科会, pp.12p., Nov. 2004
2004 张兴华, 2004.11, 'Asymmetric Information and Credit Derivatives, ' 金融机构风险与绩效, 台湾金融管理学会., Nov. 2004
2004 洪叔民;蔡绪辉;田淑文, 2004.11, '应用模拟建构动态生产控制系统-以生技产业为例, ' 第一届台湾作业研究学会学术研讨会暨2004年科技与管理学术研讨会 - CD-ROM, 台湾作业研究学会., Nov. 2004
2004 许崇源;林宛莹;戚务君, 2004.11, '盈馀透明度、控制权偏离与财务报表重编, ' 2004会计理论与实务研讨会, 国立政治大学会计系与中华会计教育学会., Nov. 2004