2003 |
Eugenia Y. Huang;Shu-Chiung Lin, 2003.07, 'Constructing an R&D innovation performance model, ' 13th International COnference on Pacific Rim Management ,ACME2003 Annual Meeting, USA Seattle., Jul. 2003 |
2003 |
林我聪;陈嘉芳*, 2003.07, '以行动代理人建置多对多之多属性协商机制的电子市集, ' 2003产业电子化运筹管理学术暨实务研讨会.(*为通讯作者), Jul. 2003 |
2003 |
Yu, Chwo-Ming Jo*;Wu, Lei-Yu;Hsu, Jason C., 2003.07, 'Network Dynamics of High Technology Firms: The Case of Firms in Hsinchu High Technology Industrial Park and Silicon Valley, ' Proceedings of the Conference on International Business.(*为通讯作者), Jul. 2003 |
2003 |
温肇东;蔡淑梨, 2003.06, 'The Influences of Government Policies on Women Entrepreneurship in Taiwan, ' ICSB Conference., Jun. 2003 |
2003 |
温肇东;蔡政安, 2003.06, 'Innovation through collaboration in service-oriented product: the empirical result of industrial computer industry development in Taiwan, ' Innovation through Collaboration: Clusters, Networks, Alliances., Jun. 2003 |
2003 |
温肇东;蔡政安;罗育如, 2003.06, 'Strategic Intention as An Enabler to Grow: BenQ‘s Case, ' ICSB Conference., Jun. 2003 |
2003 |
陈丽霞;苏圣珠, 2003.06, '具有群内相关性类别资料之模式配适探讨,苏圣珠 ,第十二届南区统计研讨会,中华民国。, ' 第十二届南区统计研讨会, 中华机率统计学会 国立高雄大学应数系., Jun. 2003 |
2003 |
管郁君;潘先国, 2003.06, '建构网际网络免费服务转为收费服务之获利模式, ' 第十四届国际资讯管理学术研讨会, 台湾., Jun. 2003 |
2003 |
张兴华, 2003.06, '金融机构处理不良债权之拍卖方式比较, ' 金融风险管理与策略研讨会, 政治大学亚太金融中心., Jun. 2003 |
2003 |
Tsai-Ju Liao;Lien-Ti Bei, 2003.06, 'The Impacts of Media Contact and Culture on Women''s Consumption Value in China and Taiwan, ' The Advertising and Consumer Psychology Conference, Sociey of Consumer Psychology., Jun. 2003 |