
搜寻类别: 关键字搜寻: Clear
年度 论文名称
2003 Liao, S. L., 2003, 'The Valuation of Generalized Capped Exchange Options, ' The Annual Conference of Chinese Probability and Statistics Association, Taiwan., 2003
2003 侯胜宗;吴思华;温肇东, 2003, '先前知识对创业机会辨识与事业模式影响初探─以网络新创事业为例, '., 2003
2003 吴思华;方亮渊;温肇东, 2003, '韩国国家创新系统及科技政策演进之研究, ' 2003中华民国科技管理学会论文研讨会, 交通大学., 2003
2003 吴思华;方亮渊, 2003, '欧盟区域创新系统与产业创新之研讨, ' 2003国家科技政策与国际竞争力研讨会, 2003国家科技政策与国际竞争力研讨会., 2003
2003 Fang, Liang-Yuan;Lu, Wen-Hsiang;Wu, Se-Hwa, 2003, 'Technological change, organization routine and dynamic capability: a knowledge co-evolution model of the conglomerate firms, ' 12th International Conference for Management of Technology, IAMOT 12th conference., 2003
2003 戚务君, 2003, 'Production Efficiency and Strategic Outsoaring, ' the 11th Accounting Theory & Practice Conference, Taiwan., 2003
2003 陈明进;汪瑞芝;林世铭, 2003, '土地增值税减半征收之股市效应, ' Proceedings of the 2003 Accounting Theory and Practice Conference, Department of Accounting of National Chung Kung University and Taiwan Accounting Association., 2003
2003 赖贤哲;邱奕嘉;徐作圣, 2003, '两岸科学园区创新能力之比较:以张江高科技园区及新竹科学园区为例, ' 国家科技政策与国际竞争力研讨会., 2003
2003 杨素芬;Lin,G;Su,H, 2003, 'Robust design of Power Switch Supply, ' Chinese Institute of Industrail Engineer Conference, Chinese Institute., 2003
2003 杨素芬;Ho, H, 2003, 'The effect of measurement error on two dependent processes control, ' ISIS 3,Barcerlona,Spain, ISIS 3., 2003