
搜寻类别: 关键字搜寻: Clear
年度 论文名称
2002 洪德钦, 2002.03, '欧洲中央银行之组织、政策与运作, ' 欧洲联盟, 中央研究院欧美研究所., Mar. 2002
2002 谭丹琪;Nienchi Liu, 2002.03, 'Entry timing of Foreign direct investments in emerging economics., ' Strategy World Congress, *., Mar. 2002
2002 傅丰玲;周逸衡;赖怡玲, 2002.02, '网络购物消费者需求类型与资讯搜寻及选择评估决策分析, ' 刘水深教授60 祝寿研讨会论文集., Feb. 2002
2002 洪德钦, 2002.01, '欧元对国际货币体系之影响, ' 「当前欧美重要问题」学术座谈会, 国立中兴大学国际政治研究所., Jan. 2002
2002 杨光华, 2002.01, '竞争法与竞争政策之国际合作, ' 「公平交易法施行十周年回顾与前瞻学术研讨会」论文集, 行政院公平交易委员会, pp.516-540., Jan. 2002
2002 谌家兰*, 2002.01, 'A comparative study of db benchmark in internet commerce, ' The 35th Hawaii International Conference on Systems Science, HICSS (Best Paper Nomination), University of Hawaii.(*为通讯作者), Jan. 2002
2002 馀清祥, 2002.01, 'Oldest-Old Mortality Rates and the Gompertz Law: A Theoretical and Empirical Study Based on Four Countries, ' Living to 100 and Beyond : Survival at Advanced Ages Symposium, Society of Actuaries., Jan. 2002
2002 韩志翔;Ben-Ner, Avner;Fanmin Kong, 2002.01, '“Do ESOPs matter? Productivity,profitability, employment, wages, and workplace safety,”, ' the 2002 American Economic Association (AEA) Annual Meeting, 0., Jan. 2002
2002 吴安妮;C. Chow,;G. Harrison,;J. Mckinnon, 2002.01, 'Organization Culture: Association with Affective Commitment, Job Satisfaction, Prosperity to Remain and Information Sharing in a Chinese Cultural Context., ' Management Accounting Conference,., Jan. 2002
2002 温肇东, 2002.01, '创新与创业平台发展, ' 海峡两岸两岸科技产业发展研讨会年, 上海交通大学., Jan. 2002