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黄思明, 2000.12, '运用数据库创造竞争优势, ' 工商综合区数据库研讨会,经济部商业司., Dec. 2000 |
2000 |
温肇东, 2000.11, '兼顾永续发展的环境管理教育, ' 永续农业与环境教育研讨会, 国立台湾大学., Nov. 2000 |
2000 |
冯震宇, 2000.11, '美国着作权法反规避条款规定之影响与检讨, ' 2000年全国科技法律研讨会论文集, pp.407-428., Nov. 2000 |
2000 |
Amy YiLing Lin;Jacob Y.H Jou, 2000.11, 'A Comparrative Analysis of Patronage/Non-patronage on Web Usage, ' The Sixth Asia Pacific Management Conference, Taiwan., Nov. 2000 |
2000 |
杨光华, 2000.11, 'Comment on Ann Capling''s ''Australian Approaches to the World Trade Organization: Implications for Taiwan-Australian Relations'', ' Conference on APEC, WTO and Taiwan-Australian Relations in the 21st Century, 政治大学外交系,Australian Commerce and Industry Office., Nov. 2000 |
2000 |
陈坤铭;郭迺锋, 2000.11, '贸易自由化与相对工资之可计算一般均衡分析, ' 知识经济时代之经济发展与人力运用研讨会, 高雄第一应用科技大学., Nov. 2000 |
2000 |
C. Chao;S. Horng, 2000.11, 'Development and cost-effective applications of expert systems for improving the productivity of organizations, ' Information Technologies in Accounting, American Accounting Association, pp.1-21., Nov. 2000 |
2000 |
林月云*, 2000.11, '派外人员管理, ' 华人企业人力资源管理与发展研讨会, 中华人力资源管理协会, pp.D1-1-D1-11.(*为通讯作者), Nov. 2000 |
2000 |
黄家齐, 2000.11, '人力资源管理、雇用关系与员工态度、行为之关联性研究, ' 会计、管理及电子商务研讨会论文集, 东吴大学, pp.29-54., Nov. 2000 |
2000 |
谌家兰*;Lin, 2000.11, 'Exploring OPEN GL image benchmark tools, ' The Decision Science Institute Annual Meeting 2000, DSI-2000, The Decision Science Institute.(DSI)(*为通讯作者), Nov. 2000 |