
搜寻类别: 关键字搜寻: Clear
年度 论文名称
2000 谢耀龙;Debra L.Scammon, 2000.06, 'To Regulate or Not to Regulate:Regulation Issues of Insurance Marketing over the Internet, ' the Public policy &Marketing 2000 Conference., Jun. 2000
2000 傅丰玲, 2000.06, 'The Adoption Model of Inter-organizational Information Systems in Top Taiwan Manufacturers, ' Proceeding of INFORM-KORM Seoul 2000 Conference, Korea., Jun. 2000
2000 裘锦天, 2000.06, '市民不出门能办市政事-前瞻台北市政府电子化政府, ' 千禧年圆桌会议, 台北市政府研究发展考核委员., Jun. 2000
2000 Eugenia Y. Huang;Phoebe H.Y Tsai, 2000.06, 'Relationship management of small and medium business IT outsourcing projects in Taiwan, ' Proceedings of PACIS2000, HongKong., Jun. 2000
2000 林修葳;饶秀华;黎明渊, 2000.06, 'Swarch 模型用于各国股市报酬风险值计测之可行性分析, ' 2000年财务金融学术及实务研讨会, 中国财务学会., Jun. 2000
2000 Chen, K.M.; Rau, H.H., 2000.06, 'Antitrust Laws, the Free-rider Problem and the Relationship between Mergers, Stock Prices and Production, ' 2000 Taipei International Conference on Industrial Economics., Jun. 2000
2000 Chou, J*;S. Wang;陈坤铭;N. Kuo, 2000.06, 'Taiwan''s Accession into the WTO and Trade in Services: A Computable General Equilibrium Analysis, ' The NBER 11th Annual Seminars on East Asian Economics, NBER.(*为通讯作者), Jun. 2000
2000 陈坤铭; Hsiu-Hua Rau, 2000.06, 'Antitrust Laws, the Free-rider Problem andthe Relationship Between Mergers, Stock Prices and Industrial Production, ' 2000 Taipei International conference on Industrial Economics, Academia Sinica., Jun. 2000
2000 张元晨;Chang-An Pan;Chung-hua Shen, 2000.06, 'Forward Exchange Bias around the Asian Financial Crisis: Evidence from Taiwan''s Foreign Exchange Market, ' Forward Exchange Bias around the Asian Financial Crisis: Evidence from Taiwan''s Foreign Exchange Market, 2000 Chinese Finance Association Conference., Jun. 2000
2000 陈威光, 2000.06, 'Further investigation of stock index futrues and stock prices movement during the Octorber 1987 market crash, ' The 8th Pacific Basin Finance, Economics and Accounting, X., Jun. 2000