1997 |
黄思明, 1997.11, 'Key Successful Factors of Computerization of SMEs-A Marketing Channels Analysis, ' 1997 APEC SMEs Market Development Seminar (1997 APEC中小企业市场开发研讨会)., Nov. 1997 |
1997 |
屠美亚, 1997.10, '全民健保财务调整机制, ' 全民健康保险财务问题学术研讨会., Oct. 1997 |
1997 |
陈威光, 1997.10, 'An Analysis of Capital Guarantted Trust and Its Innovation Value- A Monte Carlo Approach for Pricing Average Rate Option, ' Financial Management Association Annual Meeting, FMA., Oct. 1997 |
1997 |
林月云*, 1997.10, '台湾人力资源管理之展望, ' 海峡两岸人力资源开发与管理研讨会, 北京中国劳动学会.(*为通讯作者), Oct. 1997 |
1997 |
Lien-Ti Bei;Richard Heslin, 1997.10, 'The Consumer Reports Mindset: Who Seeks Value-The Involved or the Knowledge?, ' Advances in Consumer Research Vol. 14, pp.151-158., Oct. 1997 |
1997 |
姜国辉*, 1997.10, '一个支援统计程序品管之非单调式推理知识库系统(会议最佳论文), ' 中国电子计算机工程与应用学会年会暨第12届全国MIS学术会议论文集.(*为通讯作者), Oct. 1997 |
1997 |
林建智, 1997.09, 'A Study on the Theories of Insurance Regulation -- What approaches can we take?, ' Inaugural Conference of Asia-Pacific Risk and Insurance Scholars, Asia-Pacific Risk and Insurance Association., Sep. 1997 |
1997 |
张爱华, 1997.09, '消费者之国家印象与产品态度之关系研究, '., Sep. 1997 |
1997 |
管郁君, 1997.09, '如何以资讯和资讯科技之有效管理提昇我国高科技产业之竞争力, ' 八十五年度管理学门专题计画研究成果发表会., Sep. 1997 |
1997 |
黄思明, 1997.09, '我国企业使用软件工程工具之阶段理论模式, ' 八十五年度国科会管理学门专题计划研究成果发表会., Sep. 1997 |