
搜寻类别: 关键字搜寻: Clear
年度 论文名称
1991 吴安妮, 1991, '美日管理会计之比较研究, ' 八十年企业国际化学术研讨会., 1991
1991 吴安妮, 1991, '及时化系统(JIT)在台湾推行之成果及困难─个案讨论, ' 第三届会计学理论与实务研讨会., 1991
1991 Wu, A., 1991, 'A Comparitive Analysis of Voluntary Release of Earnings Forecasts -- United States and Taiwan Corporations, ' The 1991 Annaul Meeting of the AAA., 1991
1991 Wu, A., 1991, 'The Motivations for Managers to Release Voluntary Earnings Forecasts Information: A Study of Taiwanese Firms, ' Teh 1991 Western Regional Meeting of he AAA., 1991
1991 裘锦天, 1991, 'The Design and Deveolpment of National Central Library Guiding Systems, ' the 1991 AECT Conference., 1991
1991 裘锦天, 1991, 'Translating and Repurposing Videodisc on New Technologies, ' the 1991 AECT Conference., 1991
1991 杨建民, 1991, '运用专家系统辅助企业租税规划决策之研究, ' 第二届资讯管理研讨会., 1991
1991 馀千智, 1991, '试算表模式运算之开放性软件整合环境, ' 第二届全国资讯管理会议., 1991
1991 黄秉德, 1991, '技术策略、研究发展组织特性、研究发展绩效与策略性薪资研究:资讯电子业, ' 1991产业科技研究发展管理研讨会, 中国生产力中心., 1991
1991 张爱华, 1991, 'Print Advertising Strategies of Taiwanese Firms in the U.S., ' 1991 Annual Conference of the America Chinese Management Educators Association, The America Chinese Management Educators Association., 1991