
搜寻类别: 关键字搜寻: Clear
年度 论文名称
2014 Lee, Crystal T.*;Shen, Yung-Cheng;Bei, Lien-Ti;Yang, Wei-Hao, 2014.10, 'Anthropomorphize Therefore I Am: A Metaphorical Explanation to the Reflectional Functions of Product Anthropomorphism, ' Association for Consumer Research Conference, Association for Consumer Research (ACR).(*为通讯作者), Oct. 2014
2014 周玲台*;熊芳莹;邱献良;林怡伶, 2014.10, '关系人交易,审计品质与会计师属性, ' 2014会计理论与实务研讨会, 国立台北大学会计学系、中华会计教育学会、美国加州州立大学Fresno分校Craig商学院.(*为通讯作者), Oct. 2014
2014 Hong-Yi Chen*;Chia-Hsun Hsieh, 2014.10, 'Profitability of momentum strategies: The role of consistent winners and losers., ' The Financial Management Association Annual Meeting, Financial Management Association.(*为通讯作者), Oct. 2014
2014 萧瑞麟*;欧素华;杨纯芳;郑家宜, 2014.09, 'Navigating Resource Flow: Becoming Hybrid Business Models in News Media, ' Strategic Management Society, Strategic Management Society.(SSCI)(*为通讯作者), Sep. 2014
2014 赵玉*;游宗宪, 2014.09, 'Parameterized of Control Related States of Middle Left K-net System (with a nonsharing resource place) of Petri Nets, ' 2014 CACS International Automatic Control Conference, Chinese Automatic Control Society.(IEEE)(*为通讯作者), Sep. 2014
2014 Yu, Chien-Chih*, 2014.09, 'Developing Value-Centric Business Models for Mobile Government, ' Proceedings of the Thirteenth International IFIP Electronic Government Conference (IFIP EGOV 2014), IFIP, Trinity College Dublin, pp.12ps.(EI, DBLP)(*为通讯作者), Sep. 2014
2014 Kun-Ming Chen*;Chia-Ching Lin;Wei-jen Wen, 2014.09, 'Exchange Rate Volatility, Market Competition, and the Timing of Foreign Direct Investment, ' The 2014 APJAE Symposium on, the 2014 APJAE Symposium Organizing Committee.(*为通讯作者), Sep. 2014
2014 Hong-Yi Chen*;Chia-Hsun Hsieh, 2014.09, 'Profitability of momentum strategies: The role of consistent winners and losers., ' The 22nd Annual Conference on PBFEAM, PBFEAM.(*为通讯作者), Sep. 2014
2014 郭维裕;林靖庭*;陈威光, 2014.09, 'Cancellation of Limit Orders in the Future Markets, ' Academy of Behavioral Finance & Economics; Sixth Annual Meeting, Academy of Behavioral Finance & Economics.(*为通讯作者), Sep. 2014
2014 Wei-Yu Kuo; Ching-Ting Lin*;Wei-Kuang Chen, 2014.09, 'Cancellation of Limit Orders in the Futures Markets, ' Academy of Behavioral Finance & Economics Sixth Annual Meeting 2014, Academy of Behavioral Finance & Economics.(*为通讯作者), Sep. 2014