
搜寻类别: 关键字搜寻: Clear
年度 论文名称
2014 廖峻锋*;陈恭;陈俊杰, 2014.08, 'A Service Framework for Multi-Tenant Enterprise Application in SaaS Environments, ' 2014 9th International Conference on Software Engineering and Applications (ICSOFT-EA 2014), INSTICC, pp.5-13.(*为通讯作者), Aug. 2014
2014 Yang, S.*;Lin, J.;Yang, C., 2014.08, 'A CUSUM average loss control chart for monitoring process variation., ' COMPSTAT, COMPSTAT committee.(*为通讯作者), Aug. 2014
2014 Kuan-Chun Johnny Chang*, 2014.08, 'Comparative Studies Regarding the Similarities and Diversities of the Regulations Regarding Earthquake Insurance : Examples of U.S., Japan, New Zealand, Turkey and Taiwan, ' 2014 Asia-Pacific Risk and Insurance Association, Asia-Pacific Risk and Insurance Association.(*为通讯作者), Aug. 2014
2014 Johannes K. Chiang*;Cheng Lin Yu, 2014.08, 'Application of Critical-Siphon Theory to Fastest Deadlock Controller to Enhance the Intelligence of Semi-Conductor Flexible Manufacturing Systems, ' Proceedings of 2014 International Symposium on Semiconductor Manufacturing Intelligence, Semiconductor Technologies Empowerment Partners Consortium(STEP) & Society for SEED, pp.0-0.(*为通讯作者), Aug. 2014
2014 Eugenia Y. Huang;Travis K. Huang;Yu-Ju Lin, 2014.08, 'Identifying Subtasks of m-Commerce Website through Scenario-Based Design, ' Proceedings of the 20th Americas Conference on Information Systems, Association for Information Systems (AIS)., Aug. 2014
2014 Eugenia Y. Huang*;Kuang Li Hung, 2014.08, 'Understanding Mobile Apps Purchase: The Effect of Free Trial and Online Consumer Review, ' 74th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Managemen, Academy of Management.(*为通讯作者), Aug. 2014
2014 杨亨利*;林建良, 2014.08, '从品质因素与认知娱乐探讨APP软件使用意图, ' 第二十届海峡两岸资讯管理发展策略研讨会, 武汉大学.(*为通讯作者), Aug. 2014
2014 陈建维;练乃华*, 2014.08, 'Technological Opportunism and Responsive and Proactive Market Orientation: Synergistic or Antagonistic Effects, ' AMA Summer Educators' Conference, American Marketing Association.(*为通讯作者), Aug. 2014
2014 张爱华*;董珮如;曾祥景, 2014.08, 'The Antecedents and Consequences of Consumers’ Value Co-creation, ' 2014 Summer Educators’ Conference, American Marketing Association.(*为通讯作者), Aug. 2014
2014 Liao, W. C.*;Lin, C.Y.Y., 2014.08, 'Human capital and performance: The moderating effect of culture and knowledge acquisition, ' 2014 Academy of Management Annual Meeting, Academy of Management.(*为通讯作者), Aug. 2014