2014 |
杨培侃*, 2014.06, '跨太平洋合作夥伴协定谈判有关医药卫生议题之规定与争议初探, ' 第十四届国际经贸法学发展学术研讨会论文集, 国立政治大学国际经贸组织暨法律研究中心, pp.169-232.(*为通讯作者), Jun. 2014 |
2014 |
Yi-Cheng Ku*;Chih-Hung Peng;Ya-Chi Yang, 2014.06, 'Consumer Preferences for the Interface of E-Commerce Product Recommendation System, ' Lecture Notes in Computer Science, HCI International.(*为通讯作者), Jun. 2014 |
2014 |
陈俊元*, 2014.06, '台湾专利侵害诉讼之探索分析-以智财法院民事判 决为中心, ' 我国专利法制与审判实证研讨会, 交通部.(*为通讯作者), Jun. 2014 |
2014 |
Hsu, Hung-Pina*;Hsiao, Shu-Ling;Yang, Heng-Li, 2014.06, 'Constructing Customer Social Behavioral Patterns in Service Experience Engineering, ' The International Conference on Service Sciences and Innovation (ICSSI), National Taiwan University of Science and Technology.(*为通讯作者), Jun. 2014 |
2014 |
Lee, Yu-Chen,*;Hsiao, Shu-Ling;Yang, Heng-Li, 2014.06, 'A Service Provider-Oriented Representation Method for Service Design: the Service Role Map, ' The International Conference on Service Sciences and Innovation (ICSSI), National Taiwan University of Science and Technology.(*为通讯作者), Jun. 2014 |
2014 |
Lu, Yi-Yen,*;Hsiao, Shu-Ling;Yang, Heng-Li, 2014.06, 'A Service Design Tool Based on Rapid Contextual Design: C.O.R.E., ' The International Conference on Service Sciences and Innovation (ICSSI), National Taiwan University of Science and Technology.(*为通讯作者), Jun. 2014 |
2014 |
Lin, C.Y.Y.*;Joey Chiang, 2014.06, 'Investing in China: How can SME survive? 59th conference of the International Council for Small Business, ' 59th conference of the International Council for Small Business, International Council for Small Business.(*为通讯作者), Jun. 2014 |
2014 |
Lin, Ren-Xiang*;Yang, Heng-Li, 2014.06, 'Apply the Dynamic N-gram to Extract the Keywords of Chinese News, ' The 27th International Conference on Industrial, Engineering & Other Applications of Applied Intelligent Systems (IEAAIE-2014), National Kaohsiung University of Applied Sciences.(*为通讯作者), Jun. 2014 |
2014 |
Lin, Shiang-Lin*;Yang, Heng-Li, 2014.06, 'A Three-Stage Decision Model Integrating FAHP, MDS and Association Rules for Targeting Smartphone Customers, ' The 27th International Conference on Industrial, Engineering & Other Applications of Applied Intelligent Systems (IEAAIE-2014), National Kaohsiung University of Applied Sciences.(*为通讯作者), Jun. 2014 |
2014 |
李佳玲*, 2014.05, 'The Effect of CEO Leadership on Strategic Performance Management System and Organizational Performance, '.(*为通讯作者), May. 2014 |