
搜寻类别: 关键字搜寻: Clear
年度 论文名称
1990 馀千智, 1990, '整合性模拟专家决策支援系统观念及作业流程, ' 79年度中国工业工程学会年会., 1990
1990 馀千智, 1990, '整合性统计专家决策支援系统之观念架构与作业流程, ' 第一届资管年会会议., 1990
1990 裘锦天, 1990, 'The Development of Tools for Translating Videodiscs, ' the AECT Conference., 1990
1990 裘锦天, 1990, 'Translating and Repurposing Videodiscs:The Developmental Process in Taiwan, ' the 32nd International Conference of the Association for the Development of Computer-based Instructional Systems(ADCIS)., 1990
1989 洪顺庆, 1989.12, '公营事业民营化策略、人力资源管理、劳工问题与企业发展研讨会论文集, '., Dec. 1989
1989 Adiga;Sadashiv*;Woo-Tsong Lin, 1989.11, 'Object-Oriented Simulation of Manufacturing Systems, ' Proceedings of IIE Society for Integrated Manufacturing Conference, pp.489-494.(*为通讯作者), Nov. 1989
1989 Johannes K. Chiang*;T. Pfeifer, 1989.09, 'Building Model based Reasoning Systems for Simulation and Diagnosing Machinery, ' Proceeding of XIV. Symposium on Operation Research, Association of Operation Research.(EI)(*为通讯作者), Sep. 1989
1989 管康彦, 1989.07, 'Enhancing the R&D-Production Interface Productivity: A Perspective on Structure, Process, and Task Uncertainty Congruency, ' The Institute of Management Sciences XXIX International Conf., Jul. 1989
1989 管康彦, 1989.06, 'Retaining organizational Competitiveness through Downsizing, ' The Second International Conference on Comparative Managemen., Jun. 1989
1989 杨建民, 1989.06, '以法则归纳技术预测台湾股票市场行为, ' 管理与资讯国际研讨会., Jun. 1989