
搜寻类别: 关键字搜寻: Clear
年度 论文名称
1985 Chand S.;K. Tang, 1985, 'A Comparison of Average and Discounted Cost Models for the Dynamic Lot Size Inventory Problem, ' European Journal of Operational Research, Vol.22, No.1, pp.9-18.(SCI), vol. 409909, 1985
1984 施文森, 1984.12, '强制机械游乐设施保险之研拟:承保办法、基本条款及费率公式, '., vol. 105969, Dec. 1984
1984 姜国辉*, 1984.10, '电脑辅助量测系统之架构, ' 工业技术月刊, Vol.资讯月特刊.(*为通讯作者), vol. 255608, Oct. 1984
1984 施文森, 1984.09, '保险法及施行细则暨保险业管理办法逐条分析, '., vol. 105968, Sep. 1984
1984 施文森, 1984.06, '保险法修正之基本构想与要旨, '., vol. 105967, Jun. 1984
1984 许崇源, 1984.05, '论我国一般公认会计原则之建立, '., vol. 119249, May. 1984
1984 陈坤铭, 1984, '台湾的利率与储蓄, ' 货币市场短信, No.27, pp.5-13., vol. 140828, 1984
1984 Moskowitz H.;R. Plante;K. Tang;A. Ravindran, 1984, 'Multiattribute Bayesian Acceptance Sampling Plans for Screening and Scrapping Rejected Lots, ' IIE Transactions, Vol.16, No.2, pp.185-192.(SCI), vol. 409908, 1984
1983 郑济世, 1983.12, '我国汽车责任保险之回顾与展望, '., vol. 119756, Dec. 1983
1983 施文森, 1983.12, '保险法关于资金运用之规定及修订之研究, '., vol. 105966, Dec. 1983