
搜寻类别: 关键字搜寻: Clear
年度 论文名称
2015 Richard, Orlando;Weichieh Su*;Mike W. Peng;Carliss Miller, 2015.10, 'Do external diversity practices boost focal firm performance? The case of supplier diversity, ' International Journal of Human Resource Management, Vol.26, pp.2227-2247.(SSCI)(*为通讯作者), vol. 406905, Oct. 2015
2015 Konan Chan;Li Ge;Tse-Chun Lin, 2015.10, 'Informational Content of Options Trading on Acquirer Announcement Return, ' Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis (国科会财务类A+期刊), Vol.50, pp.1057-1082.(SSCI), vol. 396910, Oct. 2015
2015 Chou, Robin K.;George HK Wang;Yun-Yi Wang, 2015.10, 'The Effects of Margin Changes on the Composition of Traders and Market Liquidity: Evidence from the Taiwan Futures Exchange, ' Journal of Futures Markets, Vol.35, No.10, pp.894-915.(SSCI), vol. 406606, Oct. 2015
2015 Huang, K.F.*;Dyerson, R.;Wu, L.Y.;Harindranath, G., 2015.10, 'From Temporary Competitive Advantage to Sustainable Competitive Advantage, ' British Journal of Management, Vol.26, No.4, pp.616-637.(SSCI, 科技部管理一学门推荐期刊)(*为通讯作者), vol. 406776, Oct. 2015
2015 Huang, K.F.*;Dyerson, R.;Wu, L.Y.;Harindranath, G., 2015.10, 'From Temporal Competitive Advantage to Sustainable Competitive Advantage, ' British Journal of Management, Vol.26, No.4, pp.617-636.(SSCI)(*为通讯作者), vol. 407109, Oct. 2015
2015 Chan A. L-C*;Hsieh Y-T;Lee E;Yueh M-L, 2015.10, 'Does financial statement information affect cross-border lending by foreign banks in the syndicated loan market? Evidence from a natural experiment, ' Journal of Accounting and Public Policy, Vol.34, pp.520-547.(SSCI)(*为通讯作者), vol. 406264, Oct. 2015
2015 邱志圣*;Cornelia Droge, 2015.10, 'The Effects of Standardization and Trust on Franchisee’s Performance and Satisfaction: A Study on Franchise Systems in the Growth Stage, ' Journal of Small Business Management, Vol.53, No.1, pp.129-144.(SSCI)(*为通讯作者), vol. 408404, Oct. 2015
2015 吴安妮*, 2015.10, '管理会计技术商品化:以ABC为核心之作业价值管理系统(AVMS)为例, ' 会计研究月刊, No.359, pp.20-24.(*为通讯作者), vol. 408919, Oct. 2015
2015 郭炳伸*;蓝青玉, 2015.10, '模型组合与新台币汇率预测, ' 台湾经济预测与政策, Vol.46, No.1, pp.75-111.(TSSCI)(*为通讯作者), vol. 407366, Oct. 2015
2015 Ping-Hsun Chen*, 2015.09, 'From the Unforeseeability Exception to Foreseeability Estoppel: The Federal Circuit’s Effort to Limit the Doctrine of Equivalents, ' Federal Circuit Bar Journal, Vol.25, No.1, pp.71-99.(Westlaw)(*为通讯作者), vol. 408488, Sep. 2015