
搜寻类别: 关键字搜寻: Clear
年度 论文名称
1992 许崇源, 1992.01, '我国所得税抵减会计处理之再探讨, '., vol. 119255, Jan. 1992
1992 Eugenia Y. Huang;Lazaros F. Merakos, 1992, 'Delay analysis of a unidirectional bus network with an erasure station, ' International Journal of Performance Evaluation, Vol.16, No.1, pp.177-184., vol. 322524, 1992
1992 林炯垚;垣^, 1992, '银行与借款者考虑诱因机制式的贷款契约设计原则--在借款人风险程度为连续情况下, '., vol. 132608, 1992
1992 黄台心;熊一鸣, 1992, '台湾地区男女全职与兼职工作工资差异之研究, ' 台银季刊, pp.327-347., vol. 210338, 1992
1992 吴思华;杨晋山, 1992, '资讯不对称与企业策略, ' 国立政治大学学报, No.65, pp.269-303., vol. 135515, 1992
1992 Ting, C.P.*;Cheng, H.S., 1992, 'Optimal designs on the refinement of two-way classification model, ' 中国统计学报, Vol.30, pp.191-210.(*为通讯作者), vol. 118701, 1992
1992 谢剑平, 1992, 'Impact of US-China Joint Ventures on Stockholders'' Wealth by Degree of International Involvement, '., vol. 130730, 1992
1992 周行一;;, 1992, 'Drifting Dollars,Mercurial Marks:Managing Exchange Rate Risk in the Global Marketplace, ' Northern California Executive Review, pp.8-13., vol. 119886, 1992
1992 朱浩民, 1992, 'An Evaluation of the Performance of Financial Futures Markets:A Cross Country,Cross Market Study, ' The Review of Futures Market, Vol.11, No.3., vol. 120224, 1992
1992 吴秉恩;李仁芳;吴思华;严慧玲整理, 1992, '爱面族打开内销路, ' 战略生产力, No.433, pp.20-35., vol. 404733, 1992