
搜寻类别: 关键字搜寻: Clear
年度 论文名称
1991 刘文卿;Tan, C. Y., 1991, 'Covering Convex Rectilinear Polygons in Linear Time, '., vol. 120133, 1991
1991 刘文卿, 1991, 'Storing Ssu-k''u Ch''uan-Shu on Optical Discs, '., vol. 120132, 1991
1991 馀千智, 1991, '整合性专家决策支援系统在企业管理领域之应用, '., vol. 120054, 1991
1991 李易谕, 1991, 'A Fuzzy Linear Programming Approach to Aggregate Production Planning, '., vol. 119487, 1991
1991 李易谕;Kramer, B. A., 1991, 'A Comparative Study of Three Lot-Sizing Methods for the Case of Fuzzy Demand, '., vol. 119484, 1991
1991 周玲台, 1991, '会计书评:Coses in Accountiog Ethics and Professionalism, ' 会计评论,., vol. 119172, 1991
1991 杨建民, 1991, '校园网络线上即时资讯系统模拟之研究, ' 资管评论, No.3., vol. 120089, 1991
1991 于卓民, 1991, 'Exporting of Industrial Goods to Europe:The Case of Large Taiwanese Firns, '., vol. 119286, 1991
1990 吴安妮, 1990.12, '管理系统新指标: 制造技术革新对绩效评估之影响, ' 会计研究月刊, No.63, pp.88-92., vol. 180746, Dec. 1990
1990 洪顺庆, 1990.12, '市场区隔研究的回顾与展望, ' 管理科学论述, pp.237-247., vol. 118970, Dec. 1990