British Minister shares England’s place in the world at NCCU
By Jamie Hsiao (蕭郁潔)
Campus Reporter
British Minister of State in the Department for International Trade Greg Hands said that the U.K. is actually seeking more opportunities in the world after it leaves the EU during his speech at National Chengchi University (NCCU) on Sept. 26.
It was Hands’ only public speech during his staying in Taiwan, which he talked about “Britain’s Place in the World / Global Britain” at NCCU.
“We are not leaving the Europe, we are re-joining the rest of the world,” Hands said.
Hands was commissioned as the minister of state in the Department for International Trade on July 15, three weeks after the U.K. voted to leave the EU.
Hands emphasized that the U.K. is supported by super fast broadband coverage, an integrated transport system and low corporation tax.
“The country is truly open for business to entrepreneurs who wish to take advantage of the many strengths the UK has to offer,” Hands said.
Hands also encouraged students that they don’t need to become too worried about knowing or not knowing about what they want to be just yet.
“When I was your age if you had told me that one day I would be a government minister I would have laughed,” Hands said.
NCCU President Edward Chow (周行一) hoped that the UK and NCCU can work together to implement more student exchange program.
Echoing Chou, Hands said that every year, between 4,000 and 5,000 Taiwanese students chose to study in the U.K. on long-term courses.
“We deeply value the many benefits that foreign students bring to the U.K. and will seek more opportunities with Taiwan for students to exchange,” Hands said.
Hands felt happy about the U.K. and Taiwan have always enjoyed a very productive and prosperous economic and cultural relationship.
“I want this to be deepened and continue for many years to come,” Hands said.