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Specialized Programs
Specialized Programs
Regulations for Establishment of Specialized Programs of the NCCU College of Commerce
Established by the College Administration Meeting on 31 May 2000
Articles 1-9 amended and approved by the Curriculum Committee Meeting on 30 October 2014
Articles 1-5 amended and approved by the College Administration Meeting on 29 December 2014}
• Aim
The Regulations for Establishment of Specialized Programs of the NCCU College of Commerce (the “Regulations”) is established to cultivate the professional literacy of students of this college in order to cope with the trend of social development and improve curriculum integration.
• Establishment, adjustment, and termination of programs
The establishment, adjustment, and termination of a specialized program shall first be evaluated by the curriculum committee of the organizing department (institute, degree program). After a specialized program is approved by the administration meeting of the organizing department/institute (degree program committee) and the college curriculum committee, this specialized program shall be submitted to the college administration meeting for evaluation.
• Program criteria
I. An undergraduate specialized program shall comprise a minimum of 18 course credits.
II. A master’s specialized program shall comprise a minimum of 9 course credits, with required subjects unrelated with the original department (institute/degree program) of students.
III. A specialized program can be planned by more than one department (institute/degree program). When designing a specialized program, the organizing department (institute/degree program) shall submit a set of enforcement rules in accordance with the Regulations. Contents of the enforcement rules shall include the purpose of establishment, the program name, the convener and members of the program committee, curriculum planning and number of credits, enrollment eligibility, number of vacancies, and application and approval procedures. After the college curriculum committee approves the enforcement rules, they shall be submitted to the college administration for evaluation.
The said enforcement rules shall be promulgated and implemented after the approval of the college administration meeting.
IV. A specialized program shall consist of existing courses. Required that new courses shall be submitted to
the department (institute/degree program) and college curriculum committee meeting for evaluation and approval prior to the offering.
• Duty of an organizing department (institute/degree program)
The office of the organizing department (institute/degree program) or the department (institute/degree program) of the convener of a specialized program shall program-related business.
• Program enrollment and evaluation
I. After completing the required courses, earning the required credits, fulfilling the program requirements, students may apply to the organizing unit of a specialized program to issue a certificate of program completion.
II. Credit transfer requirements of a specialized program shall be specified in the program’s enforcement rules.
• Certificate of program completion
I. A college shall determine the format of the certificate of completion of a specialized program.
II. The organizing unit of a specialized program shall print and approve the certificate of program completion before submitting to the dean of college and
the convener for signing.
• Principles of operation
To improve the teaching quality of a specialized program, the organizing unit shall submit the statistics on the implementation outcomes every three year since the academic year when the program is approved. The college curriculum committee may recommend organizing units with outstanding achievements to the college for reward.
• Establishment and amendments
After the evaluation of the college curriculum committee and the approval of the college administration meeting, the dean of collage shall promulgate and implement the Regulations. The same shall apply to the amendments thereof.