
Honor Category Year Award Name Name Awarding Unit
Inside School 100 99學年績優服務學習課程 CHENG-WEI WANG 政治大學教務處
Outside School 100 The 21st Century Intellect JIA-LANG SENG IBC England
Inside School 100 99學年績優服務學習課程 CHENG-WEI WANG 政治大學
Inside School 100 99學年專業課程優良教師 CHENG-WEI WANG 政治大學
Outside School 100 Keynote Speaker JIA-LANG SENG China Accounting Association Annual Meeting
Outside School 100 Cover Person JIA-LANG SENG Accounting in China Magazine
Outside School 100 Who's Who in the World JIA-LANG SENG Marquis USA
Outside School 100 The World's Oustanding Scholar JIA-LANG SENG ABI USA
Outside School 100 KFA & TFA Joint Conference in Finance最佳論文獎 陳聖賢 KFA & TFA Joint Conference
Outside School 100 1990-2008年期間23種國際重要財務學術期刊研究成果名列亞太地區前25名 陳聖賢 Pacific-Basin Finance Journal 19, 157-171