Journal Paper

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Year Paper Title
謝劍平, 'Tobin''s Q Ratia and Market Reaction to Capital Investment Announcements, '., vol. 130731, Sep. 2024
Tsai-Ju Liao*;Chwo-Ming Joseph Yu, 'Knowledge transfer, regulatory support, legitimacy, and financial performance: The case of foreign firms investing in China/Journal of world business, '.(*為通訊作者), vol. 336266, Sep. 2024
趙玉, 'Minimum Marking for No Loop Combination of General Petri Nets, '., vol. 119146, Sep. 2024
司徒達賢;于卓民, '環境特性與公司特性對多國籍企業網路關係之影響:在台外商公司之實證研究, '., vol. 119586, Sep. 2024
司徒達賢;于卓民, '環境特性與公司特性對多國籍企業網路關係之影響:在台外商公司之實證研究, '., vol. 119586, Sep. 2024
趙玉, 'Performance of Multi-Rate Data Flow Graphs for Concurrent Processing, '., vol. 119091, Sep. 2024
趙玉, 'Conversion And Iteration Bound of Multi-Rate Data Flow Graphs, '., vol. 119090, Sep. 2024
趙玉, 'Synchronized Choice Ordinary Petri Nets And Its T-And P-components, '., vol. 119089, Sep. 2024
趙玉, 'The Structural Matri and Reduction Algorithm of Knitting Technique for Petri Nets, '., vol. 119088, Sep. 2024
趙玉, 'The Knitting Technique and Its Application to Communication Protocol Synthesis, '., vol. 119087, Sep. 2024