Name 林怡伶
Job Title Associate Professor
Unit Dept. of Management Information System
Office Tel No. 81222
Year Paper Title
2023 林怡伶*;Nai-Da Ding, 2023.09, 'Competitive gamification in crowdsourcing-based contextual-aware recommender systems, ' International Journal of Human-Computer Studies, Vol.177, pp.103083.(SSCI, SCIE)(*為通訊作者), vol. 107187, Sep. 2023
2023 林怡伶*;Nai-Da Ding, 2023.06, 'Competitive gamification in crowdsourcing-based contextual-aware recommender systems, ' International Journal of Human-Computer Studies, pp.1.(SCI)(*為通訊作者), vol. 106981, Jun. 2023
2022 林怡伶*;Shao-Wei Lee, 2022.09, 'A personalized interaction mechanism framework for micro-moment recommender systems, ' ACM Transactions on Interactive Intelligent Systems, Vol.13, No.1, pp.1-28.(SCIE)(*為通訊作者), vol. 440348, Sep. 2022
2022 Cheng-Yu Chung*;I-Han Hsiao;林怡伶, 2022.09, 'AI-assisted Programming Question Generation: Constructing Semantic Networks of Programming Knowledge by Local Knowledge Graph and Abstract Syntax Tree, ' Journal of Research on Technology in Education, pp.1-17.(SSCI)(*為通訊作者), vol. 439950, Sep. 2022
2022 林怡伶;Shih-I Chien*;Wei-Cheng Su;I-Han Hsiao, 2022.09, 'Coding Peekaboom: A Gaming Mechanism for Harvesting Programming Concepts, ' Education and Information Technologies, pp.1-33.(SSCI)(*為通訊作者), vol. 439765, Sep. 2022
2022 Shih-Yi Chien*;林怡伶;Bu-Fang Chang, 2022.08, 'The effects of intimacy and proactivity on trust in human-humanoid robot interaction, ' Information Systems Fron, pp.1-16.(SCIE)(*為通訊作者), vol. 439037, Aug. 2022
2021 Ting-Peng Liang;林怡伶*;Wen-Lung Shiau;Sih-Fan Chen, 2021.12, 'Investigating common method bias via an EEG study of the flow experience in website design, ' Journal of Electronic Commerce Research, Vol.22, No.4, pp.305-321.(SSCI)(*為通訊作者), vol. 434327, Dec. 2021
2021 鄭光廷;林怡伶*, 2021.06, '從資訊覓食理論探索消費者對於電子商務網站推薦系統 的點擊行為, ' 電子商務學報, Vol.23, No.1, pp.1-24.(TSSCI)(*為通訊作者), vol. 424930, Jun. 2021
2021 Ting-Peng Liang;林怡伶*;Shiao-Chi Ho, 2021.04, 'What drives consumers to adopt a sharing platform: An integrated model of value-based and transaction cost theories, ' Information & Management, pp.0.(SSCI, SCOPUS)(*為通訊作者), vol. 430571, Apr. 2021
2021 林怡伶;Shih-Yi Chien*;Yi-Ju Chen, 2021.01, 'Posting recommendations in healthcare Q&A forums, ' Electronics, Vol.10, No.3, pp.278.(SCIE, SCOPUS)(*為通訊作者), vol. 429981, Jan. 2021
2019 林怡伶*;Denis Parra;Christoph Trattner;Peter Brusilovsky, 2019.02, 'Tag-based information access in image collections: Insights from log and eye-gaze analyses, ' Knowledge and Information Systems, pp.1-28.(SSCI, SCOPUS)(*為通訊作者), vol. 424929, Feb. 2019
2018 Shih-Yi Chien;林怡伶*;Pei-Ju Lee;Shuguang Han;Michael Lewis;Katia Sycara, 2018.06, 'Attention allocation for human multi-robot control: Cognitive analysis based on behavior data and hidden states, ' International Journal of Human-Computer Studies, pp.0.(SSCI, SCI, SCOPUS)(*為通訊作者), vol. 418880, Jun. 2018
2017 I-Han Hsiao*;林怡伶, 2017, 'Enriching programming content semantics: An evaluation of visual analytics approach, ' Computers in Human Behavior, pp.1-10.(SCI)(*為通訊作者), vol. 413281, 2017
2016 林怡伶*;Peter Brusilovsky;Daqing He, 2016.09, 'Finding cultural heritage images through a Dual-Perspective Navigation Framework, ' Information Processing & Management, Vol.52, No.5, pp.820-839.(SCI)(*為通訊作者), vol. 413280, Sep. 2016
2015 林怡伶*;Christoph Trattner;Peter Brusilovsky;Daqing He, 2015, 'The Impact of Image Descriptions on User Tagging Behavior: A Study of the Nature and Functionality of Crowdsourced Tags., ' Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology, Vol.66, No.9, pp.1785-1798.(SSCI)(*為通訊作者), vol. 413282, 2015
2013 Pelechrinis, K.*;Zadorozhny, V.;Kounev, V.;Oleshchuk, V.;Anwar, M.;Lin, Y., 2013, 'Automatic Evaluation of Information Provider Reliability and Expertise, ' World Wide Web Journal, Vol.18, No.1, pp.33-72.(SCI, SCOPUS)(*為通訊作者), vol. 418244, 2013
2011 林怡伶*;Peter Brusilovsky;Daqing He, 2011, 'Improving Self-Organising Information Maps as Navigational Tools: A Semantic Approach., ' Online Information Review, Vol.35, No.3, pp.401-424.(SCIE, EI, DBLP, SCI, SCOPUS)(*為通訊作者), vol. 418245, 2011
2008 Li, X.*;Chen, H.;Dang, Y.;林怡伶;Larson, C. A.;Roco, M.C., 2008, 'A Longitudinal Analysis of Nanotechnology Literature: 1976-2004, ' Journal of Nanoparticle Research, No.10, pp.3-22.(SCI)(*為通訊作者), vol. 418251, 2008
2008 Chen, H.*;Roco, C. M.;Li, X.;林怡伶, 2008, 'Trends in Nanotechnology Patents, ' Nature Nanotechnology, Vol.3, No.3, pp.123-125.(SCI)(*為通訊作者), vol. 418250, 2008
2007 Li, X.*;林怡伶;Chen, H.;Roco, M.C., 2007, 'Worldwide Nanotechnology Development: A Comparative Study of USPTO, EPO, and JPO Patents (1976-2004), ' Journal of Nanoparticle Research, Vol.9, No.6, pp.977-1002.(SCI)(*為通訊作者), vol. 418252, 2007
Project Category Year Project Title Participator Job Title Period Unit
MOST Projects 113 微時刻群體推薦系統的團體與個性動態規劃設計(3/3) LIN YI-LING Principal Investigator 2026.08 ~ 2027.07 National Science and Technology Council
MOST Projects 113 微時刻群體推薦系統的團體與個性動態規劃設計(2/3) LIN YI-LING Principal Investigator 2025.08 ~ 2027.07 National Science and Technology Council
MOST Projects 113 微時刻群體推薦系統的團體與個性動態規劃設計(1/3) LIN YI-LING Principal Investigator 2024.08 ~ 2027.07 National Science and Technology Council
Other Projects 113 保險數位體驗與客製化資訊蒐集系統 CHIEN SHIH-YI,PENG JIN-LUNG,LIN YI-LING 2024.04 ~ 2025.04
MOST Projects 110 動態情境下的微時刻推薦研究—以個人與群眾智慧為基礎(3/3) LIN YI-LING Principal Investigator 2023.08 ~ 2024.07 National Science and Technology Council
MOST Projects 111 前瞻技術產學合作計畫-智慧製造環境下的即時及整合管理:管理決策系統、預測系統、預警系統及資安系統(3/3) WU ANNE,LI TSAI-YEN,TSO RAY-LIN,LO MING-SHIOW,LIN YI-LING 2022.11 ~ 2024.10 National Science and Technology Council
Other Projects 111 保險數位體驗與客製化資訊蒐集系統 PENG JIN-LUNG,CHIEN SHIH-YI,LIN YI-LING 2022.10 ~ 2024.01
MOST Projects 110 動態情境下的微時刻推薦研究—以個人與群眾智慧為基礎(2/3) LIN YI-LING Principal Investigator 2022.08 ~ 2024.07 National Science and Technology Council
Other Projects 110 金融科技在職教育訓練課程 WANG LI-LING,PENG JIN-LUNG,TSANG CHENG-YUN,LIN YI-LING,CHIEN SHIH-YI 2021.10 ~ 2021.12
MOST Projects 110 動態情境下的微時刻推薦研究—以個人與群眾智慧為基礎(1/3) LIN YI-LING Principal Investigator 2021.08 ~ 2024.07 National Science and Technology Council
MOST Projects 107 微時刻推薦系統設計(3/3) LIN YI-LING Principal Investigator 2020.08 ~ 2021.07 National Science and Technology Council
MOST Projects 107 微時刻推薦系統設計(2/3) LIN YI-LING Principal Investigator 2019.08 ~ 2021.07 National Science and Technology Council
Other Projects 107 大專院校教學實踐研究計畫-用於程式設計教學整合之創新評量生態系統 LIN YI-LING Principal Investigator 2018.08 ~ 2019.07 Ministry of Education, Republic of China (Taiwan)
MOST Projects 107 微時刻推薦系統設計(1/3) LIN YI-LING Principal Investigator 2018.08 ~ 2021.07 National Science and Technology Council
MOST Projects 106 以主題式方法建構線上保健Q&A問題之模型及視覺化 LIN YI-LING,LIN YI-LING Principal Investigator 2017.08 ~ 2018.07 National Science and Technology Council
MOST Projects 105 透過程式學習者搜尋策略建構學習模型 LIN YI-LING Principal Investigator 2016.08 ~ 2017.07 National Science and Technology Council
MOST Projects 104 以健康保健Q&A社群為主之推薦回復者機制 林怡伶 Principal Investigator 2015.08 ~ 2016.07 國立中山大學
MOST Projects 104 以健康保險Q&A社群為主之推薦回復者機制 LIN YI-LING Principal Investigator 2015.08 ~ 2016.07 National Science and Technology Council
MOST Projects 103 以雙觀點導航架構提升圖像可查性: 眼動追蹤用戶研究 林怡伶 Principal Investigator 2014.05 ~ 2015.07 國立中山大學
MOST Projects 103 以雙觀點導航架構提升圖像的可查性:眼動追蹤用戶研究 LIN YI-LING Principal Investigator 2014.05 ~ 2015.07 National Science and Technology Council
Country School Name Department Degree Duration
U.S.A. 匹茲堡大學 資訊管理(學)系 博士 2007.09 ~ 2013.12
Experience Category Organization Title Department Job Title Duration
Current NATIONAL CHENGCHI UNIVERSITY Department of Management Information System 副教授 2019.08 ~ Up to today
Current NATIONAL CHENGCHI UNIVERSITY Department of Management Information System 助理教授 2017.02 ~ 2019.08
Experience 中山大學 資訊管理學系 助理教授 2014.02 ~ 2017.07
Honor Category Year Award Name Awarding Unit
Outside School 112 TBSA全國大專創新企劃競賽 社團法人台灣商務策劃協會
Outside School 111 2022年全國大專校院智慧創新暨跨域整合創作競賽 電商與金融科技組 佳作 教育部
Inside School 110 國科會研究獎勵 科技部(國科會)
Inside School 110 優良數位學習課程 國立政治大學
Inside School 110 碩士學位論文獎 國立政治大學
Inside School 110 教學優良獎 國立政治大學商學院
Outside School 110 優秀年輕學者研究計畫 科技部
Outside School 110 科技部研究獎勵 科技部
Outside School 110 2021年全國大專校院資訊應用服務創新競賽 產學合作組三 佳作 經濟部工業局/教育部/ 中華民國資訊管理學會
Outside School 108 2019台灣服務科學學會學術研究獎 碩士組佳作 台灣服務科學學會
Inside School 108 優良數位學習課程 國立政治大學
Inside School 108 教學績優教師 國立政治大學商學院
Inside School 108 教學優良獎 國立政治大學資訊管理學系
Outside School 108 2019年全國大專校院智慧創新暨跨域整合創作競賽 電商與金融科技組 佳作 教育部
Inside School 107 學士班英語專業績優課程 國立政治大學
Inside School 107 教學優良獎 國立政治大學資訊管理學系
Inside School 106 優良數位學習課程 國立政治大學
Inside School 106 教學優良獎 國立政治大學資訊管理學系
Inside School 105 學士班英語專業績優課程 國立政治大學
Inside School 105 院教學特優教師 國立政治大學商學院
Outside School 104 溫世仁新苗獎 台灣服務科學學會
Year Paper Title
2023 Yu-Xiang Zheng*;林怡伶, 2023.04, 'The influence of social relationships and serendipity on micro-moment recommender systems, ' UKAIS, UKAIS.(*為通訊作者), Apr. 2023
2023 Chiao-En Chien*; Shun-Wen Hsiao;林怡伶, 2023.04, 'Preference-based exploration DQN recommender in online streaming retailing, ' UKAIS, UKAIS.(*為通訊作者), Apr. 2023
2023 Ciao-Yi Guo*;林怡伶, 2023.04, 'The influence of emotion on micro-moment serendipitous recommender system, ' UKAIS, UKAIS.(*為通訊作者), Apr. 2023
2023 Hung-Ming Hsieh*;Shun-Wen Hsiao;林怡伶, 2023.04, 'Explain consumer purchase intention in live streaming commerce, ' UKAIS, UKAIS.(*為通訊作者), Apr. 2023
2022 林怡伶*;Sung, Huang-Chih;Yang, Wei-An;Cheng, Chun-Yen, 2022.07, 'Identifying future competitors with patent text mining, ' PACIS, AIS.(*為通訊作者), Jul. 2022
2021 Chang, B.;Chien S. Y.*;林怡伶, 2021.09, 'The effect of communication approaches on intimacy in human-humanoid robot interaction., ' IEEE International Conference on Human-Machine Systems, IEEE.(*為通訊作者), Sep. 2021
2020 Luo, J.*;林怡伶;Chien, S., 2020.09, 'Exploring the role of media richness to information disclosure, ' IEEE International Conference on Human-Machine Systems, IEEE.(*為通訊作者), Sep. 2020
2020 Sun, C.;Chan, Y.*;Chien, S.;林怡伶;Hsiao, I., 2020.05, 'Preschool safety education with digital media-based learning application-Kinder., ' HCI International, HCI International.(*為通訊作者), May. 2020
2018 林怡伶*;Huang, W.;Liang, P.;Tung, C., 2018.06, 'An integrated Web-based system for MEDLINE analysis: A case study of chronic kidney disease., ' Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems, AIS.(SCOPUS)(*為通訊作者), Jun. 2018
2018 林怡伶;Lee, M.*;Hsiao, I., 2018, 'An exploratory study on programming orchestration technology., ' Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems, AIS.(SCOPUS)(*為通訊作者), 2018
2017 林怡伶*;Tsai, S., 2017, 'Empower social influence by linking the social opinion to social network., ' Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems, AIS.(*為通訊作者), 2017
2016 Yang, Y.-C.*;林怡伶;Chao, W. S., 2016, 'A structure-behavior coalescence method for Human-Computer Interaction system requirements specification, ' HCI International, HCI.(*為通訊作者), 2016
2016 Hsiao, I-H.*;Kumar, S.P.G.;林怡伶, 2016, 'Semantic visual analytics for today’s programming courses., ' The 6th International Analytics & Knowledge Conference, University of Edinburgh.(SCOPUS)(*為通訊作者), 2016
2016 林怡伶;Chung, C.-Y.*;Kuo, C.-W.;Chang T.-M, 2016, 'Search tactics of images’ textual descriptions., ' American Conference on Information Systems, AIS.(SCOPUS)(*為通訊作者), 2016
2016 林怡伶*;Chung, C.-Y.;Kuo, C.-W.;Chang T.-M., 2016, 'Modeling health care Q&A questions with ensemble classification approaches., ' AMCIS, AIS.(SCOPUS)(*為通訊作者), 2016
2015 Yang, Y.-C.*;林怡伶;Chao, W. S., 2015, 'An architecture-oriented design method for human-computer interaction systems, ' HCI International, HCI.(*為通訊作者), 2015
2014 Chang, T. M.*;Hsiao, W. F.;林怡伶, 2014, 'LDA-based group document recommendation., ' Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems, AIS.(*為通訊作者), 2014
2013 Brusilovsky, P.;林怡伶*;Wongchokprasitti, C.;Britell, S.;Delcambre, L. M. L.;Furuta, R.;Chiluka, K.;Cassel, L. N.; Fox, E., 2013, 'Social navigation support for groups in a community-based educational portal, ' International Conference on Theory and Practice of Digital Libraries, TPDL.(*為通訊作者), 2013
2012 Trattner, C.;林怡伶*;Parra, D.;Yue, Z.;Brusilovsky, P., 2012, 'Evaluating Tag-Based Information Access in Image Collections, ' 23rd conference on Hypertext and hypermedia, ACM.(*為通訊作者), 2012