
年度 論文名稱
2008 Johannes K. Chiang*;Kiekang Chao, 2008.11, 'Prototype Design of Decision Supports for GRID Clearinghouse Service Framework, ' Journal of Advanced Computation Intelligent Informatics, Vol.12, No.6, pp.523-528.(FINDER Database)(*為通訊作者), vol. 267083, Nov. 2008
2008 Chien-Chih Yu;Chen-Shu Wang*, 2008.11, 'A Hybrid Mining Approach for Optimizing Returns Policies in e-Retailing, ' Expert Systems With Applications, Vol.35, No.4, pp.1575-1582.(SCIE)(*為通訊作者), vol. 226045, Nov. 2008
2008 戚務君;廖益均;林嬋娟, 2008.11, '我國企業盈餘穩健特性之研究, ' 會計學報, Vol.1, No.1, pp.1-28., vol. 411271, Nov. 2008
2008 馬秀如*;馬以工;賴森本, 2008.11, '球賽與風險管理, ' 球賽與風險管理,.(*為通訊作者), vol. 279726, Nov. 2008
2008 王文英*, 2008.11, '從企業策略觀點分析會計人員所需具備的知識與能力, ' 當代會計, Vol.9, No.2, pp.131-166.(*為通訊作者), vol. 289908, Nov. 2008
2008 馮震宇, 2008.11, '生技為農業開創嶄新的春天─加速農業生技研發成果商品化, ' 能力雜誌, No.633, pp.92-99., vol. 281992, Nov. 2008
2008 Kung-Chung Liu, 2008.11, 'Rationalising the Regime of Compulsory Patent Licensing by the Essential Facilities Doctrine, ' International Review of Industrial Property and Competition Law, Vol.39, No.7, pp.757-774.(SSCI), vol. 311765, Nov. 2008
2008 T.-K. Huang*;C.-J. Lin;翁久幸, 2008.10, 'Ranking individuals by group comparisons, ' Journal of Machine Learning Research,.(SCIE)(*為通訊作者), vol. 262652, Oct. 2008
2008 趙玉, 2008.10, 'Comments on “Deadlock prevention and avoidance in FMS: A Petri net based approach,”, ' International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, Vol.39, pp.317-318.(SCI), vol. 239432, Oct. 2008
2008 傅冶天, 2008.10, 'TREASURY BOND MARKETING AND E-RETAILING: SIMILARITIES AND PRICING LESSONS / Management Track within WiCOM: Engineering, Services and Knowledge Management, ' Management Track within WiCOM: Engineering, Services and Knowledge Management,.(EI, IEEE), vol. 249856, Oct. 2008