
年度 論文名稱
2005 Sheng-Syan Chen;Kim Wai Ho;Kueh Hwa Ik, 2005, 'The Wealth Effect of New Product Introductions on Industry Rivals, ' Journal of Business, Vol.78, No.3, pp.969-996., vol. 416490, 2005
2005 Yang, Heng-Li*; Tang, Jih-Hsin, 2005, 'User Role and Perception of Requirements in a Web-based Community of Practice, ' Online Information Review, Vol.29, No.5, pp.499-512.(SSCI, SCIE)(*為通訊作者), vol. 198170, 2005
2005 陳柏元*;彭彥瑋;林金賢;黃銘章;彭朱如, 2005, '競爭與合作策略-我國醫院策略、結構及資源之內部配適, ' 醫務管理, Vol.6, No.3, pp.239-254.(*為通訊作者), vol. 300322, 2005
2005 彭彥瑋*;陳柏元*;彭朱如;林金賢;黃銘章, 2005, '醫院策略與環境外部配適對績效影響之實證研究, ' 醫務管理, Vol.6, No.4, pp.399-428.(*為通訊作者), vol. 300321, 2005
2004 傅豐玲*;周逸衡;李國志, 2004.12, '消費者網路資訊搜尋行為之研究—以自助旅行為例, ' 資管評論, No.13, pp.125-154.(*為通訊作者), vol. 211496, Dec. 2004
2004 諶家蘭*;Lin, Y. F., 2004.12, 'A workload-generic and web-centric benchmark model design for multi- and hyper-media databases, ' International Journal of Standards and Services, Vol.1, No.1, pp.18-38.(1)(*為通訊作者), vol. 148717, Dec. 2004
2004 諶家蘭*;Yin, M. H., 2004.12, 'A genetic algorithm assisted hybrid approach to web information integration, ' Journal of International Technology and Information Management, Vol.13, No.1, pp.33-48.(1)(*為通訊作者), vol. 148716, Dec. 2004
2004 諶家蘭*;Lin, S., 2004.12, 'Mobility- and knowledge-centric e-learning application design method, ' International Journal of Innovation and Learning, Vol.1, No.3, pp.293-311.(SCI)(*為通訊作者), vol. 148349, Dec. 2004
2004 吳安妮, 2004.12, '銀行業推動平衡計分卡之可行性研究, ' 建華金融季刊, No.27, pp.47-80., vol. 238211, Dec. 2004
2004 馮震宇, 2004.12, '減量與環保 綠色包裝意識抬頭, ' 貿易雜誌, No.161, pp.6-13., vol. 213793, Dec. 2004