
年度 論文名稱
2011 Lee-Yun Pan;Jyh-Shen Chiou*, 2011.04, 'How Much Can You Trust Online Information? Cues for Perceived Trustworthiness of Consumer-generated Online Information, ' Journal of Interactive Marketing, Vol.25, No.2.(SSCI)(*為通訊作者), vol. 335629, Apr. 2011
2011 劉孔中;王紅霞, 2011.04, '劉孔中、王紅霞,台灣地區司法改革60年:司法獨立的實踐與挑戰,《東方法學》(中國大陸) ,第22期(2011年4月),頁69-77。, ' 東方法學,., vol. 366675, Apr. 2011
2011 許永明*, 2011.04, 'What Motivates Insurers to use Derivatives: Evidence from the United Kingdom Life Insurance Industry, ' GENEVA PAPERS ON RISK AND INSURANCE-ISSUES AND PRACTICE, Vol.36, No.2, pp.186-196.(SSCI)(*為通訊作者), vol. 347761, Apr. 2011
2011 Ho;J.;C. J. Huang;吳安妮, 2011.04, 'The Impact of Management Control System on Efficiency and Quality Performance – An Empirical Study of Taiwanese Correctional Institutions., ' Asia-Pacific Journal of Accounting & Economics., Vol.18, No.1, pp.77-94.(SSCI), vol. 238159, Apr. 2011
2011 許永明*, 2011.04, 'Reinsurance and Capital Structure: Evidence from the United Kingdom Non-Life Insurance Industry, ' Journal of Risk and Insurance, Vol.78, No.2, pp.475-494.(SSCI)(*為通訊作者), vol. 351078, Apr. 2011
2011 劉孔中, 2011.03, '劉孔中、江耀國,有綫廣播電視法修正草案之評析,台灣法學第171期,2011年3月1日,頁1-14。, ' 台灣法學第171期,., vol. 366678, Mar. 2011
2011 馮震宇, 2011.03, '私募交易連續劇股民大洗三溫暖-啟動暫停交易機制避免住套房, ' 能力雜誌, No.661., vol. 342345, Mar. 2011
2011 Chiang, Shu-Ling*;Chen, Li-Shya;Chen, Suduan, 2011.03, 'Does Corporate Governance Matter to Technical, Commercial and Economic Success?, ' African Journal of Business Management, Vol.5, No.6, pp.2203-2210.(DOAJ, Google Scholar Metrics, Open J-gate, Genamics Journal)(*為通訊作者), vol. 326836, Mar. 2011
2011 余清祥*;Murray K. Clayton, 2011.03, 'The Effect of Migration on Similarity Index, ' Communications in Statistics: Simulation and Computation, Vol.40, No.3, pp.1-12.(SCI)(*為通訊作者), vol. 329014, Mar. 2011
2011 Yang, S*;Chen, W., 2011.03, 'Monitoring and Diagnosing Dependent Process Steps Using VSI Control Charts, ' Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference, Vol.141, No.5, pp.1808-1816.(SCI)(*為通訊作者), vol. 329710, Mar. 2011