
年度 論文名稱
2009 Yang, Heng-Li*;Hsiao, Shu-Ling, 2009.05, 'Mechanisms of Developing Innovative IT-enabled Services: A Case Study of Taiwanese Healthcare Service, ' Technovation: The International Journal of Technological Innovation, Entrepreneurship and Technology Management, Vol.29, No.5, pp.327-337.(SSCI)(*為通訊作者), vol. 269681, May. 2009
2009 張清福;Alice C. Lee;Cheng F. Lee*, 2009.05, 'Determinants of capital structure choice: A structural equation modeling approach, ' The Quarterly Review of Economics and Finance, Vol.49, No.2, pp.197-213.(不知其應歸於何項)(*為通訊作者), vol. 290692, May. 2009
2009 張冠群, 2009.05, '二○○九年一月金融控股公司法關於共同行銷及關係人交易與風險集中揭露之修正條文評析, ' 月旦法學, No.168, pp.??.(月旦法學知識庫), vol. 278473, May. 2009
2009 Fengzhong Wang*;謝淑貞;Sholomo Havlin;Eugene Stanley, 2009.05, 'Statistical analysis of the overnight and daytime return, ' Physical Review E,.(SCI)(*為通訊作者), vol. 290480, May. 2009
2009 馮震宇, 2009.05, '建立接班梯隊當務之急─關鍵人才的延攬與留用, ' 能力雜誌, No.639, pp.74-81., vol. 342303, May. 2009
2009 馮震宇, 2009.04, '跨越龍捲風階段的法律糾葛—LED產業取得逆轉勝門票, ' 能力雜誌, No.638, pp.94-103., vol. 281999, Apr. 2009
2009 趙玉, 2009.04, 'Unfolding of Multirate Data-Flow Graph to Compute Iteration Bound, ' International Journal of Electrical Engineering (IJEE), Vol.16, No.2, pp.159-170.(SCI), vol. 266387, Apr. 2009
2009 趙玉*;Zhiwu Li, 2009.04, 'Conditions of S3PR With No Weakly Dependent Siphons, ' Control Theory & Applications, IET, Vol.3, No.4, pp.391 - 403.(SCI)(*為通訊作者), vol. 264492, Apr. 2009
2009 Yu, Chien-Chih*;Wang, Hsing-I, 2009.04, 'Strategy Mapping in the Process of Formulating Digital Divide Strategies, ' Electronic Government: An International Journal, Vol.6, No.2, pp.143-161.(DBLP, MetaPress, Inderscience)(*為通訊作者), vol. 264083, Apr. 2009
2009 施文真*, 2009.04, 'Energy Security, GATT/WTO and Regional Agreements, ' Natural Resources Journal, Vol.49, No.2, pp.433-484.(SSCI)(*為通訊作者), vol. 281361, Apr. 2009