
年度 論文名稱
2000 周行一;Ping-Hsiao;Yu-Jane liu, 2000, 'Trading Behavior and Asset Returns: Evidence from the Interday Serial Correlations of Intraday-to-Intraday Daily Returns of Taiwan, ' Pacific Economics Review, Vol.0, No.0, pp.0., vol. 148058, 2000
2000 Huang, Tai-Hsin, 2000, 'Estimating X-Efficiency in Taiwanese Banking Using a Translog Shadow Profit Function, ' Journal of Productivity Analysis, Vol.14, pp.225-245.(SSCI, Eco. Lit), vol. 210226, 2000
2000 廖四郎;蔡明憲;徐守德, 2000, '人壽保險費率的分析─從選擇權理論觀點, ' 風險管理學報, Vol.2, No.1, pp.1-24., vol. 148618, 2000
2000 Liao, S. L.;Y.C Chang;L. K Hu, 2000, 'Valuation of Cross-Currency Two-way Equity SWAPS without Currency Risks, ' Pacific Basin Business, Economics, and Finance, Vol.4, pp.251-275., vol. 148605, 2000
2000 韓志翔;Su-Fen Chiu, 2000, '“Industrial democracy and institutional environment: a comparison of Germany and Taiwan,”, ' Economic and Industrial Democracy, Vol.21, No.2, pp.147-182.(SSCI), vol. 143234, 2000
2000 林月雲;Chen, W.H., 2000, 'The effect of social factors on the success of automation: An empirical study in Taiwan, ' Journal of Engineering and Technology Management, Vol.00, No.17, pp.39-58.(SSCI), vol. 149987, 2000
2000 于卓民, 2000, '「國際技術移轉面面觀」, '., vol. 143306, 2000
2000 于卓民;彭朱如;司徒達賢, 2000, '醫療產業跨組合作方案與管理機制之關係, '., vol. 143268, 2000
2000 管康彥, 2000, '二十一世紀企業變革轉型的省思, ' 財金資訊, Vol.11, No.0, pp.22-24., vol. 143868, 2000
2000 司徒達賢, 2000, '領導與溝通個案2000, ' 華人企業論壇, Vol.1, No.2., vol. 154309, 2000