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Wen-Chun Lin;Shao-Chi Chang;Sheng-Syan Chen;Tsai-Ling Liao, 2013, 'The Over-optimism of Financial Analysts and the Long-Run Performance of Firms Following Private Placements of Equity, ' Finance Research Letters, Vol.10, No.2, pp.82-92.(SSCI), vol. 416265, 2013 |
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Sheng-Syan Chen;Yan-Shing Chen;Woan-lih Liang;Yanzhi Wang, 2013, 'R&D Spillover Effects and Firm Performance Following R&D Increases, ' Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis, Vol.48, No.5, pp.1607-1634.(SSCI), vol. 416264, 2013 |
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Zeng, Jhih-Hong;Chi-Lu Peng;Ming-Chi Chen;Chien-Chiang Lee, 2013, 'Wealth effects on the housing markets: Do market liquidity and market states matter?, ' Economic Modelling, Vol.32, pp.488-495.(SSCI), vol. 405490, 2013 |
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陳文意;周美伶;林玉惠;陳明吉, 2013, '抑制房價以提高生育率:以台北都會區為例, ' 都市與計劃, Vol.四十, No.二, pp.189-214.(TSSCI), vol. 405489, 2013 |
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Tsai, I-Chun;Ming-Chi Chen, 2013, 'Asymmetric Correlation and Difference between the Volatility of Housing and Stock Price Indexes: Analysis Based on the Threshold Volatility and Cointegration Model, ' Journal of Financial Studies, Vol.21, No.4, pp.25-58.(TSSCI), vol. 405487, 2013 |
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Huang, Wei-Ling;An-Pin Wei;Chih-Yuan Yang;Ming-Chi Chen, 2013, 'The Role of Market Imperfections in the Relationship between Housing Prices and Household Credit: Evidence from Taiwan, ' Asian-Pacific Economic Literature, Vol.27, No.2, pp.131–143.(SSCI), vol. 405486, 2013 |
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Ping-Hsun Chen*, 2012.12, 'China as a Technology Exporter: A Question Mark after the Third Amendment of the China Patent Law in 2009, ' European Intellectual Property Review, Vol.34, No.12, pp.853-864.(Westlaw)(*為通訊作者), vol. 411573, Dec. 2012 |
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薛慧敏;Da-Wei Zhou;Chen-An Tsai*, 2012.12, 'Random Forests-Based Differential Analysis of Gene Sets for Gene Expression Data., ' Gene, Vol.0, No.0, pp.0.(SCI)(*為通訊作者)(本論著未刊登但已被接受), vol. 379144, Dec. 2012 |
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余清祥*, 2012.12, 'Mortality Compression and Longevity Risk, ' North American Actuarial Journal, Vol.16, No.4, pp.1-15.(Econlit)(*為通訊作者), vol. 376290, Dec. 2012 |