
年度 論文名稱
1997 張士傑, 1997, '以精算財務觀點分析台灣公共退休金政策, ' 保險專刊, No.50., vol. 253471, 1997
1997 Soe-Tsyr Yuan, 1997, 'A Safe and Efficient Agent Architecture, ' International Journal of Informatica, Vol.21, pp.161-171.(EI), vol. 188505, 1997
1997 林修葳;蔡瑞煌;紀如龍, 1997, '神經網路與向量誤差修正模型對國內債券價格之預測績效, ' 證券市場發展季刊, Vol.9, No.1, pp.63-113., vol. 135240, 1997
1997 楊亨利;林俊宏, 1997, '組織構形與資訊科技構形的配合, ' 管理評論, Vol.16, No.2, pp.49-96.(TSSCI), vol. 135133, 1997
1997 楊亨利, 1997, 'Database Abstractions=Data Abstractions+Semantic Integrity Constraints Abstractions, ' 政大學報(下冊---社會科學), No.75, pp.189-212.(TSSCI觀察名單), vol. 135132, 1997
1997 楊亨利, 1997, 'A Simple Coupler to Link Expert Systems with Database Systems, ' Expert Systems with Applications: An International Journal, Vol.12, No.2, pp.179-188.(SCIE), vol. 135129, 1997
1997 楊亨利;林俊宏, 1997, '網路組織下的資訊科技構形, ' 管理評論, Vol.16, No.1, pp.115-140.(TSSCI), vol. 134312, 1997
1997 周行一;;, 1997, 'Trading Returns for the Weekend Effect Using Intraday Data, ' Journal of Business, Finance and Accounting, pp.425-444., vol. 134938, 1997
1997 周行一;;, 1997, 'The Economic Exposure of U.S. Multinational Firms, ' Journal of Financial Research, pp.191-210., vol. 134937, 1997
1997 廖四郎*, 1997, '評兩種資本主義之戰爭與國家競爭力, ' 中山管理評論,.(TSSCI)(*為通訊作者), vol. 240364, 1997