2011 |
廖培珊*;江振東;林定香;李隆安;翁宏明;左宗光, 2011.09, '處理葛特曼量表之拒答:簡易、多重與最鄰近插補法之比較, ' 台灣社會學刊, No.47, pp.143-178.(TSSCI)(*為通訊作者), vol. 364227, Sep. 2011 |
2011 |
張士傑*;蔡政憲;黃雅文, 2011.09, '通貨膨脹風險、學習機制與策略性資產配置, ' 財務金融學刊, Vol.19, No.2, pp.73-109.(TSSCI)(*為通訊作者), vol. 381282, Sep. 2011 |
2011 |
蔡緒浩*;季延平, 2011.09, 'An Empirical Study of Research Trends and Forecasts: Customer Relationship Management Literature Review, ' African Journal of Business Management,.(SSCI)(*為通訊作者)(本論著未刊登但已被接受), vol. 348756, Sep. 2011 |
2011 |
Cheng, Hsiu-Hua;Yang, Heng-Li*, 2011.09, 'Student Team Projects in Information Systems Development: Measuring Collective Creative Efficacy, ' Australasian Journal of Educational Technology, Vol.27, No.6, pp.881-895.(SSCI)(*為通訊作者), vol. 343910, Sep. 2011 |
2011 |
Wang, Hsing-I*;Yu, Chien-Chih, 2011.09, 'Measure the Performance of Reducing Digital Divide – the BSC and AHP Approach, ' Journal of Computers, Vol.6, No.3, pp.389-396.(EI, DBLP, EBSCO, ProQuest)(*為通訊作者), vol. 319787, Sep. 2011 |
2011 |
簡睿哲*;譚丹琪;Rudolf R Sinkovics, 2011.09, 'Ethnic ties, location choice, and firm performance in foreign direct investment: A study of Taiwanese business groups FDI in China, ' International Business Review, Vol.20, No.6, pp. 627-635.(SSCI)(*為通訊作者), vol. 357735, Sep. 2011 |
2011 |
林祐民;林信助*;劉玉珍, 2011.09, '平盤以下不得放空限制對價格形成的影響, ' 證券市場發展季刊, Vol.23, No.3, pp.85-114.(TSSCI)(*為通訊作者), vol. 290629, Sep. 2011 |
2011 |
施文真, 2011.09, 'Financial Mechanisms for Climate Change Mitigation & Adaptation: What Lessons Can be Learned from the Reform Experiences of the IMF?, ' National Taiwan University Law Review, Vol.6, No.2.(TSSCI), vol. 347657, Sep. 2011 |
2011 |
黃恩恩;藍青玉;郭炳伸*, 2011.09, '匯率與市場取價: 台灣人造纖維梭織布出口實證, ' 經濟論文, Vol.40, No.3, pp.417-446.(TSSCI)(*為通訊作者), vol. 357133, Sep. 2011 |
2011 |
Chen, Sheng-Syan;Robin K. Chou;Yun-Chi Lee, 2011.09, 'Bidders’ Strategic Timing of Acquisition Announcements and the Effects of Payment Method on Target Returns and Competing Bids, ' Journal of Banking and Finance, Vol.35, No.9, pp.2231-2244.(SSCI), vol. 330133, Sep. 2011 |