
年度 論文名稱
2003 陳明吉;顏龍男, 2003, '國內資產管理公司設立對不動產市場可能影響與因應, ' 台灣銀行季刊, Vol.五十四, No.一, pp.97-123., vol. 405549, 2003
2003 張金鶚;翁偉翔;陳明吉, 2003, '不動產證券化可行性之研究-需求面分析, ' 住宅學報, Vol.十二, No.一, pp.1-29.(TSSCI), vol. 405527, 2003
2003 Chen, Ming-Chi, 2003, 'Time-Series Properties and Modelling of House Prices in Taiwan, ' Journal of Housing Study, Vol.12, No.2, pp.69-90.(TSSCI), vol. 405526, 2003
2003 陳明吉;蔡怡純;張金鶚, 2003, '住宅負擔能力惡化之再檢視-台北市住宅市場分析, ' 台大管理論叢, Vol.十四, No.一, pp.47-78.(TSSCI), vol. 405525, 2003
2003 湛可南;胡星陽;王衍智, 2003, 'When will the controlling shareholder expropriate investors? Cash flow right and investment opportunity perspectives, ' Academia Economic Papers (經濟論文), Vol.31, No.3, pp.301-331.(TSSCI), vol. 358962, 2003
2003 Yuanchen Chang;Stephen J. Taylor, 2003, 'Information Arrivals and Intraday Exchange Rate Volatility, ' Journal of International Financial Markets, Institutions and Money, Vol.13, No.2, pp.85-112., vol. 149953, 2003
2003 Cheng-Der Fuh*;Inchi Hu;Shih-Kuei Lin, 2003, 'Empirical Performance and Asset Pricing in Hidden Markov Model, ' Communications in Statistics: Theory and Methods, Vol.32, No.12, pp.2477-2512.(SCIE)(*為通訊作者), vol. 402689, 2003
2003 Huang, Tai-Hsin;Mei-Hui Wang, 2003, 'Estimation of Technical and Allocative Inefficiency Using the Fourier Flexible Cost Frontiers for Taiwan''s Banking Industry, ' The Manchester School, Vol.71, pp.341-362.(SSCI, Eco. Lit), vol. 210213, 2003
2003 廖四郎*;陳坤銘;鄭宗松, 2003, '最適投資決策與產品生命週期─實質選擇權分析法, ' 中山管理評論,.(TSSCI)(*為通訊作者), vol. 240378, 2003
2003 廖四郎;呂桔誠;王昭文, 2003, '組合型選擇權之評價及其在投資組合避險策略上之應用, ' 亞太經濟管理評論, Vol.6, No.3., vol. 148627, 2003